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“People ask, “Why did God speak to people in the old days, but God no longer speaks to anyone today? Why did prophecy cease? The answer of the Jewish Sages is that God is speaking today. God is speaking to us more clearly than to any prophets except perhaps Moses. God’s voice is available today not just to special people but to everyone. All you have to do to hear God speaking is engage in Scripture study. Divine revelation – Torah – continues in an ongoing process from Mount Sinai to the present moment.”

Good morning PCF family. The above quote is taken from an absolutely fascinating book I am reading, “The Seven Faces of the Torah”  The Jewish Way of reading the Scriptures” by Stephen M. Wylen.  I have been studying Jewish tradition for a while now and I can tell you it has opened the door to a whole new understanding of our Christian Heritage. It is my prayer to lead  the PCF family into a much deeper relationship with the scriptures this coming year so that your walk with God will be more wonderful than you have ever experienced before. It is also my prayer that soon our little church will have regular 125 worshippers growing in the wisdom of God so that our impact in this hurting world will be one of hope and light and that we will be a healing resource to one another. Church is to be life changing and something to get excited about and look forward to. And it is exactly that when you come into a full understanding of our faith.

NEWS: Our Sunday morning services will soon be broadcast live on Facebook Sunday mornings and recorded so you will be able to watch and listen anytime. I hope that will be a help to those who have a hard time getting out on Sunday mornings. I will keep you posted when we will begin this new addition. In the mean time you can go to our website and listen to past services at 


Ben McCracken was hit by a car this past Tuesday and is in critical condition. Ben’s mom Kyle McCracken Stunkel has been a long time PCF Blog subscriber. Let’s lift Ben and his family in prayer for Gods Healing.

Gary White, a high school friend of mine is in the Hospital for Leg issues. We pray for God’s healing

Praise report, Tom Gain is doing really good with his hip recovery. He was at church this past Sunday with His wife Peggy. Good to have you back at it Tom.

Alene Schuette, Alene is my aunt and she had a mild stroke this past week. She is home recovering but will need therapy. Please pray for Gods healing touch and His peace for her and my uncle Howard.

Continued prayers for Willow, Mary and Lee Knapps great grand daughter who is having surgery to correct a birth defect.

Faye Heuchert, please continue to pray for Faye as she continues to recover from her brain surgery.

Devin Meyers, Devin is a young man from Brighton who was involved in a very serious accident. He still needs our healing prayers.

Prayers for all who are lonely, sad, depressed, fearful, unhappy, broken. May the truth and power of God come to you this year so that you may find peace and love.

Revival comes when people get dissatisfied with what is and yearn deeply for what could be! The power to change comes from prayer and the Holy Spirit. Prayer initiates the connection to God’s Kingdom and the Holy Spirit comes to direct and manage. Our part is to step out in faith and do what He directs us to do.

See you soon. Love, pastor Kent