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This afternoon John Shear, Jackie’s husband, is having his foot amputated due to diabetes complications. Please lift up John and his family for God’s peace and healing from this surgery and the therapy that will follow. Sincerely, Pastor Kent

Reminder that this next Sunday December the 17th there will be only one service at 10:00am. This will be the children’s Christmas program. There will be treats and Santa Claus in the basement after the service, all are invited.

Talk with God about everything everyday! That is a wonderful way to get closer to Him. Take a few minutes here and there throughout your day and just ask Him if He has any wisdom or suggestions for your life and then listen carefully and become aware of how He responds. Sometimes the answer may come as an inner nudging or idea. Sometimes He will speak through a circumstance. Becoming Spiritually literate is a process that takes time and practice.  Most of us are quick to bring God all our cares, but I suggest you also bring him all your Joy’s and happiness when you are blessed!

Plug into the God’s power, read your bible daily!  Get plugged into the Power! Love, pastor Kent