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Dear PCF family, Al and Jennifer Kaburick’s son Lane is in what is called the Assessment and Selection phase of his training in the US Airforce Special Warfare section. He is training to become a Pararescue jumper. The website Jennifer shared with me says that many will quit and many will fail this training. It is noted as being the most difficult experience of your life. Only those who show that they really want to join the elite will flourish. He is in a 15 day training period that Lane and others trying for this elite position will be pushed and driven to the edge of their limit and sometimes beyond. They will be driven hard every day with very little sleep and tasks that require endurance way beyond the capacity of most.

Lets lift Lane Kaburick up to Gods strength, wisdom and Mercy. I am praying that God will bless him with the strength and endurance of Elijah as you will learn more about this coming Sunday.  Lane we are very proud of you. May God’s protection and His hand be with you every step of the way. In Jesus Name! Amen