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Brad Joiner brought some interesting information to the board meeting last night about fostering. We will be learning more about an organization that helps people foster children but today I want to talk to you about another kind of fostering. And no it’s not about fostering pets. I’m talking about Spiritual Fostering. 

What is Fostering? To take care of, to raise, to parent, to look after, provide for, to guide and help one mature safely in a loving and caring environment, to nurture.

At last nights board meeting I told the board just how wonderful our PCF family is. How easy it is to be the pastor of this amazing family. We are flexible, there is never any stress about budgets or programming, we are doing amazing things in the community, and we have a close group that rise to any occasion with help, love, prayer, or what ever is needed. I told them the only thing that I wanted to improve on this year was to help the entire PCF family to become better disciples. So after kicking the idea around in my head most of the night I came up with an idea. What if we all become Spiritual Foster parents to someone who currently does not have a spiritual family with the goal being to invite that person or family to come to PCF and see if they would like to be adopted by our spiritual family. Jesus gave all believers this command,

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age’” 

We are all called to be disciples and this is the command of Jesus to his disciples, to go out and bring the lost into our family of believers. I think the best way to accomplish this is through personal relationships. And, I think using the term fostering is perfect for this process. We want people to come into our Christian family so they too can enjoy the support, love, and care that the PCF family has to offer. Pray about this and let the Holy Spirit guide you to the person or family that he wants you to foster into our family. If we all begin praying for God’s leading on this effort, i ll bet we can double our spiritual family by the end of this coming year. I will be talking more about this at our next gathering.

Our next gathering will be January 27th at 10:30am. 

Our TWIGS program continues to a very wonderful ministry to our community. Our TWIGS volunteers are helping to feed 130 kids every week.  Faye Heuchert also said that the TWIGS Advent calendars were a huge success so thank you to all who participated bringing in the listed items for the kids. If you would like to help with this wonderful ministry please call Faye at 618-444-5650. 

Our Prayer List: 

Louise (Snookie) Burns Bonni’s mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Louise has a few more tests before her treatments will begin. We pray for God’s healing and strength for her and Bonni’s dad Henry as they  into her treatments.

Bob Ahrens  Bob is doing much better as he continues to recover from his back surgery. We continue to lift him and Ella up as he continues to gain his strength and mobility.

Adelynn Wasser Adelynn was born premature and only weighs 1lb 6oz. She is doing ok but will have about a 3 month hospital stay. Let’s lift up little Adelynn and her family for Gods healing and strength and Peace during this anxious time for them.

Jim Ebersoldt : Continues prayers for full recovery and strength and God’s peace.

Walt Williams  Walt continues to battle cancer. Please continue to pray for Walt and Mary Ann, We pray for God’s healing touch and His peace and strength for both Walt and Mary Ann.

The PCF family, that we will grow closer to Jesus, to one another, and bring Jesus’ love message to many more people this year.

PCF Gathering Schedule for the next couple of months: 

  • January 27th
  • February 10th
  • February 24th
  • March 10th
  • March 24th
  • April 7th
  • April 21st (Easter)    All service times are 10:30am  Make sure you check the blog because sometimes we change the dates out of necessity. Thank you.

Missed a service but still want to hear the sermon? Go to our website where you can listen to past sermons. Go to

Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls. We are an all volunteer church. We have no salaries and no mortgage which allows us to give much more into God’s work in the community and the world.  Find out more at