This Sunday PCF will celebrate Fathers Day service at Glik Park! 9:00am. The girls will be providing music with their beautiful harmonies. I hope you can join us for this gathering. Hopefully we will have coffee and donuts too!
Busyness – the state or condition of having a great deal to do. That is where I have been the past two months, in the middle of busyness. Most of you can relate. When this happens to me God gets pushed back further and further on my priority list. There is a consequence. I lose my connection with the Holy Spirit and when that happens, my priorities begin to change. The troubles and concerns of this life begin to dominate my thoughts. I begin to lose my patience and my peace because I have pushed God off the top of my priority list. That is why we come together, to reconnect to the source of peace and wisdom. The good news… God is patient and kind and His door is always open ready to receive us back into full fellowship and grace. Come join me and others this Sunday as we put down our busyness for an hour to reconnect to the source of all blessings, peace, and love.
9:00am this Sunday Glik Park. Come get reconnected.
Love, pastor Kent