Will it be Perfect?
PCF family and friends Bonni and I want to wish all of you a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving.
What counseling brides taught me about finding Peace in hectic situations! The following advice is what i give to some of the brides and grooms before their wedding. So if you are in charge of the big Thanksgiving day meal or other big gatherings this Holiday season, this is for you.
I ask the bride and groom, “What makes a perfect wedding event?” Most of the time they just look at me kind of confused even though I have watched some of them fretting over every little detail, sometimes working themselves up into complete misery. I remind them that the perfect wedding is NOT about having the perfect dress, having flowers just right or wondering if the groomsman are going to be on time or out of line. It’s not about if the caterer made the green beans perfectly, or if the cake icing is not the exact color you wanted. If you get caught up in all of those details you can lose your Joy and JOY is what makes a perfect wedding. It is a celebration and celebrations should be filled with JOY! Your family gatherings are the same. So what if the turkey falls apart when you pull it out of the oven, “That happened to me last year and my daughter-in-law and i had a good long laugh!” So what if the store didn’t have your favorite rolls! It’s about getting together and being filled with Joy! Of course the catalyst of all Joy comes from knowing and walking with Jesus and having his peace. There is a huge lack of Joy in this world; You and I and Jesus can help fix that!
This past week I had someone text me asking about our church. They are looking for a church to join and they asked me to tell them something about PCF. I kept it short and sweet and said that of all the things I could tell you, let me start by saying PCF is filled with JOY! Remember that when you are having a down Sunday. PCF is the place to come and have your JOY restored!
Our Calendar:
- December 5, Communion Sunday
- December 10, PCF Christmas Concert 7pm to benefit Beverly Farm. Tickets available.
- December 11, PCF Christmas Concert 7pm to benefit Beverly Farm. Tickets available
Our updated prayer list and Praise reports:
- Bonnie Rutkowski, Bonni got great news this week. Her brain scans came back and there has been no change in her scan which means she is good to go and needs no further treatments! Praise God!
- Missy Geninatti, Missy is Kip and Cindy Goffs daughter, Here is the update: We have been lifting missy to God with this delicate pregnancy. All is looking good for the baby and Missy and the doctors they are planning on delivering the baby sometime this next week. What a celebration that will be.
- Kaylee Crow, Kaylee is Kip and Cindy Goff’s 18 year old granddaughter. Kaylee is still having tests that are being sent to the Mayo Clinic. Please continue to lift Kaylee to God’s healing hands and for His strength and Peace.
- Kip Goff, a big praise report, Kip was back with us this past Sunday and He is doing much better since the accident and the Lung infection.
- Wayne Miller, has begun chemo treatments and must reman in isolation due to the chemo breaking down his immune system. We lift Wayne during this time of treatment to God’s healing Grace. Wayne is watching us every Sunday on Line!
- Ray Queen, a resident at Beverly Farm who has recently been put into hospice care. We pray for God’s peace for Ray and His family in this time of transition.
- Theresa Kanapaux. I spoke to Alexis about Theresa and she continues cancer treatments but is very ill. I am asking God for His Peace and Love to fill Theresa’s heart and soul and for strength and peace for her family.
- Jerry Grant, John Grant’s brother. Jerry is now in Hospice. Lord we pray that Jerry will come to know you and get as close as possible to you in his remaining days. We pray for God’s peace.
- Keith Sedlacek, we continue to lift Keith to God’s healing grace. He is still in treatment with his lung cancer.
- All Local Churches, pray for all the churches in this town to be filled every Sunday with people seeking to come to know Jesus and become part of His family.
- Our Country, Lord you have asked and pleaded with people over and over in the bible to return to you. You have told us to seek your Kingdom first, and we are to put you above all other priorities. Help us and have mercy on us father. For we are a broken people who need the mercy and the Grace of your son Jesus. Open our eyes to your truth. Dissolve all greed, and selfish ambition and replace it with your wisdom and your love. Equip us God, so that we may be a strong voice for your truth and your power to overcome all evil.
Prayer is our tool to change things in this world.
Praise Community Fellowship. The church with No Walls! 9:00am Sundays at Esic Church located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville. God’s Truth with Love and Compassion. Praise Community Fellowship Church is a 100% volunteer Church. We have no salaries or paid positions. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Family! Have questions? Call me 618-334-3575