This Sunday PCF will lead worship at 8:45am.
There are 24 hours in the day. This is the same amount of time that Moses, Elijah, Jesus and all the men and women of God had each and every day. The secret to their power, Prayer! They spent much time with God in prayer. Every one of you that have a cell phone have a habit of charging your cell phone every night and sometimes even during the day. Many of us even have a charger in our car so we can charge our phones while driving. Why? Because our cell phones are useless if they have no power. Too many Christians are walking around today with no power or with very low power. You have to get charged up in this life to fight the spiritual battles that we all face every day. What are spiritual battles? Everything that is taking our peace, causing us to be angry, frustrated, jealous, fearful, resentful and depressed. God gave us the weapon and blessing of prayer. When we get alone with God and truly seek Him, and spend time with Him we are charging our spirit. Stop trying to fight battles on a low or dead battery. Go to God and get charged up. You charge your cell phone daily for a reason. Your spirit also needs to be charged daily especially in this very broken world. God needs HIs church to be powerful for the expansion of His Kingdom. The only way we can be powerful for God is to stay connected to Him thru prayer and bible study. Stay plugged in! Read your bibles and Pray every day!
Announcements: Gary Watson will begin our service this Sunday talking about the planning committee and the exciting future that God has for us as well as some of the wonderful things our congregation has accomplished over the past 7 years. You won’t want to miss this service.
Glen-Ed Pantry Thanks to those who donated 64 pounds for the Glen-Ed Food Pantry last week. We received 6 bottles of shampoo, 4 tubes of toothpaste, 20 bottles of dishwashing soap and 174 rolls of toilet paper. The Pantry was out of dishwashing soap and toilet paper, so those items were particularly appreciated. Thank you for your generosity!
If anyone would be interested in making coffee for this Sunday’s service please call me. Thank You! Kent . 618-334-3575
I am looking forward to seeing everyone Sunday. Love, pastor kent