If Jesus is a make believe character, then everything that you and I do in this life has absolutely no meaning. However if the biblical Jesus is real, then there will always be a tomorrow no matter what we have to face today. Jesus guarantees anyone who will believe in him and follow him unlimited tomorrows! Tomorrows that will be better than today. That is good news! Are you guaranteed a better tomorrow?
This Sunday PCF will be leading worship at 8:45am. This will be a communion Sunday. Here is the service calendar through Easter.
- Sunday March 4th PCF and pastor Kent 8:45 service
- Sunday March 11th . IUMC and pastor Jackie 8:45 service
- Sunday March 18th . Darla McFadden guest speaker and musician 8:45 and 10:45 service
- Sunday March 25th . Palm Sunday Only one service at 10:00am IUMC and pastor Jackie will be leading Children’s Easter program with Easter Egg hunt after service.
- Maunday Thursday 7:00pm worship with communion IUMC
- Easter Sunday April 1st . Sunrise service IUMC with pastor Jackie in the outdoor Garden at 6:30am
- 8:45am service lead by PCF and pastor Kent
- 10:45am service IUMC and pastor Jackie
- Every Wednesday at 8:00pm contemplative worship with Jordan Grammer
Butch and Sandy Peterson’s 6 month old great grand daughter Gwen Kemp is still in the hospital with a virus which is affecting her breathing. We are lifting little Gwen to our mighty God for his healing touch.
PCF New board members and officers. PCF welcomes Lori Rodgers, Steve Porter, and Savannah Halbe to the the PCF board. Our new president will be Gary Watson. Savannah Halbe will be our new treasurer. Retiring are Kory Kuba, Jenny Baugher, and Jennifer Kaburick. We thank Kory, Jenny and Jennifer for their dedicated service to PCF.
Easter lilies will decorate the sanctuary on April 1. If you would like to place one or more in honor of, or in memory of a loved one, please use the sign-up sheet found in the Hospitality Room. Price is $9.50 for each lily ordered. Checks may be made payable to Immanuel UMC. Please remember to take your lily home following the 10:45 am worship on Easter Sunday.
Youth Fundraiser Chicken Dinner . Our Immanuel Youth will be hosting another Sunday Fried Chicken Dinner on March 11th at the Edwardsville Moose Lodge #1561 on Marine Road from 11 am until 3 pm. The all you care to eat meal will include fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, green beans, salad, coffee and iced tea. Cost of the meal is $9.00 for adults, and $4 for kids age 5-12. No meal is complete without dessert, and the Youth will be selling some delicious Im- manuel-made “Goodies” separately. Profits from this fundraiser will be used for their Mission trip in 2019. Come out to eat, and help our youth have a successful fund- raiser. Carry outs will also be available. A sign-up sheet is in the Hospitality Room for donations of desserts, and for much- needed helpers.
The March Kid’s Night Out will be held on Friday, March 9. We would appreciate receiving your RSVP by Wednesday, March 7. You may call the church office or sign up on the sheet in the Hospitality Room. Thank you!
Read your book on promised tomorrows everyday. God has a message for you! Love, pastor kent