“We are whole and complete only when we fear God and obey his commandments. What profit is there in living? If we follow what this book (the bible) has said, we will have a relationship with God and find life in Him. This was taken from commentary in the old testament of my bible in the book of Ecclesiastes.
Ever since the fall in the GARDEN OF EDEN man has been seeking completeness. We lost a vital part of us when sin entered in. That part of us which allowed man to be in complete communion with God was now missing. It left a hole in our hearts and to this day man spends his life seeking to fill that emptiness. We run about frantically day after day wondering why nothing seems to fill our emptiness. Not money, not success, not friendships, not worldly toys of every shape and form, not sex, drugs, alcohol. Nothing! EXCEPT Jesus. Jesus is the only fix there is to this missing piece that leaves so many seeking. A relationship with the living Jesus is the answer.
Write this on your heart! Jesus holds the only Key in the universe to God’s eternal Kingdom. No one can enter God’s Kingdom without Jesus! No One. God’s Kingdom is the only place in the universe where completeness can be found. It is a Kingdom of perfect Love and Perfect Peace!
This Sunday at 10:30am I will be on the PCF facebook page live and we will get back at it. There is hope, there is love, there are answers to all the problems this world is facing. I hope you will join me. Sincerely, pastor kent
- Ben Richey and Becky Stock, a young couple I will be marrying this Saturday. We lift them to God’s Holy Spirit of truth, that they may come to grow close to Him and His teachings through their marriage and that His blessings will on their lives.
- Mike Rodgers, Mike will be having another surgery this coming Tuesday. We lift Mike to God’s healing hands and to God’s peace and strength.
- Deloris Fisher, for Gods blessing of peace and strength during this time of loss
- Nadeen Schuette for God’s strength and continued healing from the blood-clot and stroke
- Mary and Lee Knapp. We continue to pray for God’s healing touch for both Lee and Mary.
- Beverly Farm, For God’s protection of the staff and the employees during this COVID outbreak.
- All our Nations leaders, God we ask you to send the power of your Holy Spirit filling our leaders with Wisdom and Holy understanding, and love so that our country will return to your ways.
Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls!