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Blessed Friday PCF family and friends, There will be another surprise for everyone at Sunday’s worship service I’ll leave it at that, come and join us!  It sounds crazy but we are only 10 Sundays from Christmas. My prayer is for everyone within the PCF family both near and far that this Holiday season will be God and family focused because without God there would be no Holidays. Obviously without God, there would be nothing.

God’s truth is given to to mankind so that we have a path which leads us to His peace, love, joy, and fulfillment. When you make decisions outside the bounds of God’s truth you are walking down false and deceptive paths that may look very inviting and exciting, but they all end at a deep dark chasm. Choose God’s true path. Read your bible, pray for God’s understanding and direction, attend a bible teaching church regularly, and allow the Holy spirit to mold and shape you. Because Christianity is about allowing God to change us. He does not force us to change, that is always our choice, but that is His intention, to change us from the inside so that we reflect His love into the world in which we live.

Psalm 51:12  “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”

PCF Calendar

  • Sunday Oct.22, worship Service 10:30am
  • No Bible Study Monday Oct. 23
  • No Choir Practice Wed. Oct. 25
  • Sunday Oct 29, worship service 10:30am

New Prayer updates:

  • Tom Gain, Tom will be traveling out of the country the next few weeks so we ask God for his safe travel and return.
  • Mike Beatty, Mike has a pneumonia type lung infection and is struggling so please lift Mike for God’s healing touch to cure his condition.
  • Bonnie Rutkowski, Bonni is home recovering from a hospital stay and is still experiencing stomach issues and weakness. We lift Bonnie to God’s healing hands.
  • Rosemary Ford, experiencing depression and anxiety. Please pray for Rosemary’s peace and God’s love to surround her.
  • Nadeen Schuette, mom has started her chemo therapy, so far so good. Thank you for keeping her in your prayers’
  • Brody Sedlacek, Shawna says Brody is trooper going thru his cancer treatments. I’t’s a lot for an 8 year old to carry. Please continue to lift Brody and his family in prayer as he continues his treatments.
  • Jane Hyten, Jane has been moved to assisted living and dealing with MSA a degenerative disease. Please lift Jane to God’s healing grace and Peace and wisdom.
  • Ken Oberkfell, The cardinal ball player and a good friend of John and Marla Grant is home from the hospital but needs God’s healing touch. Please lift Ken to the God who sees and hears.
  • Micah McKinney, Please lift this young man to our healing father. Micah will be entering treatment for lymphoma.

Praise Community Fellowship, A Joyful church with No Walls! 10:30am Sundays at Esic Church located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville. God’s Truth with Love and Compassion. Praise Community Fellowship Church is a 100% volunteer Church. We have no salaries or paid positions. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Family.  Have questions? Call Pastor Kent @ 618-334-3575. Or Board President. Gary Watson @ 409-781-6510