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PCF will be leading the service this Sunday at 8:45am. We will be looking at the question, “What is the Gospel?”   You want to be a disciple and a great friend to someone who is struggling with the burdens of life? Bring them to this service. I pray the Holy Spirit will be there in full life changing power to mend broken hearts, to heal the ill and wounded, and to bring hope and light to those who are living in darkness.

There will be coffee, friends, and fellowship, and we will be gathering in the name of Jesus to experience His life changing love and power.


TRIVIA NIGHT .  Immanuel’s youth group is sponsoring a Trivia Night this Saturday, July 28.  The theme will be “Summertime Fun!”  Cost is $10.00 per person, with eight people per table.  Free popcorn will be served, and water and soda will be available to purchase.  You may bring your own snacks also.  The doors will open at 5:30 pm, and play begins at 6:00 pm.  You may register at the door on Saturday evening.  We invite you to come for a fun evening, while at the same time helping our youth to raise money towards their 2019 mission trip.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL BEGINS!  “Shipwrecked – Rescued by Jesus” is the theme for our Vacation Bible School this year, and begins next Monday, July 30.  VBS meets from 6-8:30 pm, with an optional meal available for the children at 5:30 pm.  Children age 3 (potty trained) through those that have completed 5th grade are invited to come to our deserted island (friends and neighbors are welcome).  You may register at the door when you arrive for the first night.  STILL NEEDED are kitchen helpers from 4:30 – 6:15 pm.  Please speak to Jill (314) 422-6734) or Kiffon (618) 210-9628 if you are able to help one night or more. We are looking forward to a wonderful week with the children at VBS.

VBS SUNDAY – COOKIES NEEDED . Sunday, August 5 is VBS Sunday.  There will be just one service that day, beginning at 10:00 am.  The children who attended VBS will share some of the songs and lessons learned while they were shipwrecked.  Following worship, everyone will be invited to the lower level for a punch and cookie reception.  You will be invited to wander across the deserted island to get a feel of their week at VBS.  If you would like to make cookies, there is a sign-up sheet on the table in the Hospitality Room.  Thank you!!

1 Corinthians 2:2 “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” 

See you Sunday! Love, pastor Kent