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Dear PCF family and friends, Bonni and I are back home and are looking forward to being with all of you tomorrow.  I want to give a shout out to Tom Gain, Jennifer and Al Kaburick, Brad Heuchert, and the whole worship team for having such a wonderful worship service last Sunday. Thank you.

James 3:13, “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom.”

PCF Calendar

  • Sunday, Sept 17, Sunday Worship 10:30am
  • Monday Sept 18, Bible Study 9:00am
  • Wednesday Sept 20, Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm
  • Sunday, Sept 24, Sunday Worship 10:30am

Prayer updates

Alden Burns, Bonni’s dad has been transferred to a rehab hospital in highland. He is doing much better, thank you for all your prayers.

Lane Kaburick has made it through his intense training part one and has now entered into a special program called Combat Control. He will be trained in Scuba, parachuting, snowmobiling, and certified air traffic control. This too will be an intense training program designed to prepare him for special missions all over the world. Please continue to pray for Lanes safety and welfare as he continues to serve his country.

  • Wendy Wyckham Szymarek, Wendy has had knee Surgery and is at home recuperating. Please pray for complete healing and rapid recovery for Wendy.
  • Jan Nieman, Please continue your prayers for Jan, she is doing really good and we ar praising God for His blessing of healing her TIA she experienced.
  • Brody Sedlacek, Shawna says Brody is trooper going thru his cancer treatments. I’t’s a lot for an 8 year old to carry. Please continue to lift Brody and his family in prayer as he continues his treatments.
  • Nadeen Schuette, My mom is now scheduled for surgery on Sept 19th at Barnes.  Thank you for your prayers of healing and for God’s peace and His wisdom for her doctors.
  • Jane Hyten, Jane has been moved to assisted living and dealing with MSA a degenerative disease. Please lift Jane to God’s healing grace and Peace and wisdom.
  • Ken Oberkfell, The cardinal ball player and a good friend of John and Marla Grant is home from the hospital but needs God’s healing touch. Please lift Ken to the God who sees and hears.
  • Micah McKinney, Please lift this young man to our healing father. Micah will be entering treatment for lymphoma.

Praise Community Fellowship, A Joyful church with No Walls! 10:30am Sundays at Esic Church located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville. God’s Truth with Love and Compassion. Praise Community Fellowship Church is a 100% volunteer Church. We have no salaries or paid positions. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Family.  Have questions? Call Pastor Kent @ 618-334-3575. Or Board President. Gary Watson @ 409-781-6510