Bonni and I are back and are looking forward to seeing everyone Sunday morning 9:00am!
This Holiday and Christmas season I am praying for all of our Praise Community Fellowship Family. I am praying that this will be a time of Spiritual renewal in your life and the lives of all those you love. If you or someone you love find yourself struggling in any way! Please reach out to me or someone within the PCF family so we can help you. We are at our best when we are helping others to get over an obstacle, through a barrier, under a wall or barricade which can come in many forms. We are better together! Don’t make the mistake that so many make including myself at one time. We get down, we get frustrated, we are going through something very heavy and we withdraw. We hide and we stay away from the very people who love us and could help us. The church! The church is the second place you should head when your boat is sinking, God being first. Come as you are, as we all are, broken and in need of Jesus and His healing. But remember this! Jesus works through his church. We are His hands, feet, eyes, ears, and mouth. PCF has an amazing family of believers and worshippers, and prayer warriors, and we are here for you. Don’t let your Holidays be a time of sorrow or depression. Join your church family and blossom into all that God has for you. Love, pastor Kent
Reminder: this Sunday immediately following our 9:00am service everyone is invited to stay and have Coffee and Quiche in the fellowship room. Thank you Brad Joiner and all the volunteers making this event possible.
The Choir has begun Christmas concert rehearsals and after just one rehearsal it sounds like it is going to be magnificent. Jennifer Kaburik still needs our prayers. Her voice is not back yet but the doctors report is hopeful.
We are growing the church. As you have noticed the church is filling up on Sunday mornings and I want to say thank you to all of you inviting friends and family and a big thank you to our amazing choir! Their music is such a blessing on Sunday mornings. Come and experience worship with an amazing Gospel choir.
Our Church Calendar:
- November 21, Coffee and Quiche right after our Sunday service in the fellowship Hall.
- December 10, PCF Christmas Concert 7pm to benefit Beverly Farm. Tickets available.
- December 11, PCF Christmas Concert 7pm to benefit Beverly Farm. Tickets available
- About the Christmas Concert Tickets: The tickets are free. We are using tickets so we will know when we are at capacity. Therefore it is important that any tickets requested be used on the night of the concert otherwise we will have empty seats that could have been used by someone else. If you take tickets and find out you cannot attend, please return the unused tickets so we can get them to someone else. Thank you.
Our Prayer list and updates:
- Wayne Miller, has begun chemo treatments and must reman in isolation due to the chemo breaking down his immune system. We lift Wayne during this time of treatment to God’s healing Grace.
- Kip Goff, continued prayers for healing and recovery for Kip since his accident and his lung condition.
- Kaylee Crow, Kaylee is Kip and Cindy Goff’s 18 year old granddaughter. She has been having health issues on and off the past couple of years but most recently went in for an emergency appendectomy and after having her appendix removed they found a cancerous tumor. At this point the surgeon believes it can be treated successfully but more tests are coming. So we are lifting Kaylee to the healing grace of Jesus and praying for divine wisdom for all the doctors and surgeons who she will be seeing in the next few weeks.
- Bonnie Rutkowski, let’s lift Bonnie to Gods healing Mercy. She recently had a brain scan that showed the brain aneurysms that had previously been treated have changed, and may need to be treated again. She will be having more tests soon at Barnes Hospital.
- Ray Queen, a resident at Beverly Farm who has recently been put into hospice care. We pray for God’s peace for Ray and His family in this time of transition.
- Missy Geninatti, Missy is Kip and Cindy Goffs daughter, Missy has 2 weeks to go! We have been lifting missy to God with this delicate pregnancy. The doctors have had some good news about her progression so we want to continue to pray for Missy and this baby. God we cry out to you in all your mercy to please be with Missy and her baby so that they can both be safe and healthy. We thank you for all your mercies and trust in you!
- Theresa Kanapaux. She has breast cancer that may have spread into her bones. She also has been hospitalized recently for a blood clot in her lung. We are asking for God’s mercy and healing touch for Theresa.
- Jerry Grant, John Grant’s brother. Jerry is now in Hospice. Lord we pray that Jerry will come to know you and get as close as possible to you in his remaining days. We pray for God’s peace.
- Keith Sedlacek, we continue to lift Keith to God’s healing grace. He is still in treatment with his lung cancer.
- All Local Churches, pray for all the churches in this town to be filled every Sunday with people seeking to come to know Jesus and become part of His family.
- Our Country, Lord you have asked and pleaded with people over and over in the bible to return to you. You have told us to seek your Kingdom first, and we are to put you above all other priorities. Help us and have mercy on us father. For we are a broken people who need the mercy and the Grace of your son Jesus. Open our eyes to your truth. Dissolve all greed, and selfish ambition and replace it with your wisdom and your love. Equip us God, so that we may be a strong voice for your truth and your power to overcome all evil.
Prayer is our tool to change things in this world.
Praise Community Fellowship. The church with No Walls! 9:00am Sundays at Esic Church located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville. God’s Truth with Love and Compassion. Praise Community Fellowship Church is a 100% volunteer Church. We have no salaries or paid positions. Come be part of an amazing Christian Family! Have questions? Call me 618-334-3575
Our Prayer List: