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This Sunday PCF will be leading worship at 8:45. There is no communion this Sunday because we are going to wait until Jackie is back on the 11th. We are praying for her rapid recovery from her surgery.

We are entering the season of Lent which officially starts February 14th this year. I am hoping that all of you are into your daily bible reading and are discovering that the bible stories are many times very deep and complex as you read them for yourself. One of the things that I think you will discover as you continue reading is that there are stories that are going to deeply disturb you, especially in the old testament. I want to reassure you that that is ok. The word of God is not all candy canes and puppies. It is real life! It speaks of messy lives full of sin and pain and suffering. But, the underlying theme of the entire bible is a message of hope and love and salvation. The Bible contains God’s truth. It must be read and studied and prayed about as a whole to gain true perspective of God’s message.

God is pure truth. Jesus is pure truth. True truth can only be found in them. The bible is our guide to true truth. It is what God has given us so that we can discern what is true and what is false. It is through the bible that we can develop wisdom and discernment about choices we must make in life. It is to help us avoid taking paths that will lead us away from truth and into error which will always cost us pain and suffering.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you on Sunday! Love, pastor kent