This Sunday Praise Community Fellowship will lead worship at Glik Park at 8:45 am. weather permitting. I love these services because it is a chance to meet people in a casual, non-church atmosphere. Everyone is welcome. There is no denomination being represented, this is just a gathering for anyone seeking God’s peace and love.
I have spent years reading books about the bible. I read books on both sides of the fence. Some that stated the bible was the absolute inerrant word of God and some that have contradicted things in the bible. The reason I have spent so much time on this research, I wanted to know if I could bet the rest of my life on the teachings found in the bible. So, after 40 years of seeking, I am more convinced than ever that God still speaks to people through this book. I believe it can change peoples lives for the better, that it is a treasury of wisdom for all of today’s issues and questions, and that the living God will meet you as you read His words and seek Him. I find the bible to be life-enhancing, comforting, reliable, and peace giving. BUT….that being said, I realize that people who don’t know Jesus, the bible probably means nothing to them. I want people to know the living Jesus. It may happen through scripture but it may also happen by relating to them with love in a way that they can comprehend. My mantra for those who call themselves Christians, “Read your Bible every day!” There is power in knowing Gods words. When you are trying to introduce people to Jesus for the first time, be patient, pray for them, love them, don’t judge current behaviors, be willing to get involved with them.
Hope to see you at the park! Love, Pastor Kent