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Good morning PCF family, this coming Sunday will be a communion Sunday as we continue our journey toward Easter. Bring your family to church, get your kids and grandkids in Sunday school and find out the joy there is in being an active member of a wonderful church family. We have much to be grateful for.

This Sunday I am working on a message called “Let’s Keep it Simple. Now you know me, that is subject to change but right now I think that is the direction I’m headed.

1 John 3:18– “Dear Children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.”

Updates on some of the people on our prayer list:

  • Mike Portell is in physical therapy from his major spinal surgery and needs our continued prayers. He has come a long way but still has a long way to go before we can get him back with us. He currently cannot walk but he is working hard to overcome.
  • Angie Miller is home from her lung surgery and is really doing good. She is still waiting for the pathology report, probably will know by Monday about her lymph nodes. Keep praying that all tests will come back with good news.
  • Mary Knapp, I spoke with her husband Leland this morning. Mary is slowly recovering from her broken hip and pressure sore but now has come down with the flu. Please lift Mary and Lee for Gods healing grace and strength.
  • Guy Schmidt, Paige said that Guy is back home and doing much better but still needs more testing.
  • Elsa, a 15 year old, has a recurrence of AML leukemia after a 6 month remission following years of treatments. She was diagnosed at age 6. There is nothing more the medical doctors can do. I am going to try and get an update to you soon on Elsa.
  • Sherry Jackson, Sherry and her husband Ed ran the NorthSide Dairy Bar for years. Sherry had breast cancer and was doing good but the latest scan shows it has spread to her liver. The family has reached out for prayer.
  • Patti Franklin, Patti is still dealing with the blood clot in her ankle.
  • Alene Schuette, Kent’s aunt has had a stroke and is at Anderson hospital. She has been moved to HiItz Home in Alhambra for rehabilitation and may be staying there.
  • Richard Sparks,  that God will bring him peace, love, and wisdom.
  • Art Hansen, Please pray for Art who is having pretty serious breathing issues. He wants to be with us but his breathing difficulty is preventing him from making it to the services.
  • Scott Schuette, Kent’s cousin has been diagnosed with colon cancer
  • Linda Daniels at Eden Care due to stroke.
  • Tom Gain’s friend Ross Besch needs prayers that he will be able to walk again.