I want to remind everyone that this Sunday, September 2nd, there will only be one service at 10:45am. This service will be lead by Jordan Grammer.
The next Sunday, September 9th, PCF will begin it’s new time slot at 10:30am. Kent will be back leading worship along with the PCF band and singers.
God is very patient with us because He is perfect therefore His love is perfect. Without perfect love He would not be able to tolerate our disobedience and our selfishness. The other side of His perfection is that He is also perfectly Just! He cannot tolerate our sin which always requires punishment. That is why Christianity uses the cross as it’s symbol. The cross represents two powerful truths about God. One, His perfect love for us. Two, He is perfectly Just in that all sin will be punished. God could have laid His wrath on all of us which would have ended the human race. Instead, because of His unbelievable perfect love for us, He sent His son as a substitute, Jesus became the sacrificial lamb for you and for me. Jesus was without sin and therefore God chose to lay all his perfect justness and punishment on him on the cross. Our sins have been fully paid by the blood of Jesus. So when ever you start questioning if God really loves you, look at the cross as a reminder of the depth of His love for each and everyone of us. Have a wonderful Holiday weekend filled with prayer, laughter, and gratitude because we worship a perfectly just and loving God!
See you soon, love pastor kent