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Dear PCF family and friends, Bonni and I are looking forward to being with our PCF family Tomorrow. It has been quite a couple of weeks but being with our spiritual family will be wonderful. The choir has some beautiful songs prepared and we are ready to worship!

As I write this I am getting ready to do the memorial service for my father in law Henry Burns Sr. A man after God’s own heart. The PCF choir will be singing at his service today to bless those in attendance with their wonderful Music.

PCF Calendar

  • Sunday, Sept 24, Sunday Worship 10:30am
  • Monday Sept 25, No Bible Study
  • Wednesday Sept 27, Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm
  • Sunday, Oct 1, Sunday Worship 10:30am

Prayer updates

  • Nadeen Schuette, mom has had her surgery and is still at Siteman recovering. Hopefully she will come home Monday. She will then go see another doctor for chemo treatments.
  • Wendy Wyckham Szymarek, Wendy has had knee Surgery and is at home recuperating. Please pray for complete healing and rapid recovery for Wendy.
  • Jan Nieman, Please continue your prayers for Jan, she is doing really good and we ar praising God for His blessing of healing her TIA she experienced.
  • Brody Sedlacek, Shawna says Brody is trooper going thru his cancer treatments. I’t’s a lot for an 8 year old to carry. Please continue to lift Brody and his family in prayer as he continues his treatments.
  • Jane Hyten, Jane has been moved to assisted living and dealing with MSA a degenerative disease. Please lift Jane to God’s healing grace and Peace and wisdom.
  • Ken Oberkfell, The cardinal ball player and a good friend of John and Marla Grant is home from the hospital but needs God’s healing touch. Please lift Ken to the God who sees and hears.
  • Micah McKinney, Please lift this young man to our healing father. Micah will be entering treatment for lymphoma.

Praise Community Fellowship, A Joyful church with No Walls! 10:30am Sundays at Esic Church located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville. God’s Truth with Love and Compassion. Praise Community Fellowship Church is a 100% volunteer Church. We have no salaries or paid positions. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Family.  Have questions? Call Pastor Kent @ 618-334-3575. Or Board President. Gary Watson @ 409-781-6510