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Praise Community Fellowship and pastor kent will be leading worship this Sunday April 8th, at the 8:45am service.

How much good can our church accomplish this year for Jesus?  If you stop eating your body will eventually die from lack of nutrition. Your spirit also needs to be fed for the same reason. Read your bible and pray daily! Know what God has for you and participate in it! Darlene Hanks gave me a beautiful plaque from Stan that I now have in my home office. It says, “One heart dedicated to God can bring light to the world!” That is true for anyone who allows Jesus to work through them. When you have a group of people allowing Jesus to work through them that light is amplified.

Be a disciple and bring someone to church with you on Sunday. One of life’s greatest rewards is bringing someone to know Jesus. Remember, we are not looking for church members, we are looking to introduce people to Jesus! Jesus will take it from there!

Announcements: Our new board met last night and I want to thank this great group of people for making church board meetings so enjoyable! We actually have fun at these meetings. Here are your board members:

  • Gary Watson, president.
  • Savannah Halbe, treasurer.
  • Brad Joiner
  • Sally McLauchkan
  • Darlene Hanks
  • Lori Rodgers
  • Butch Peterson
  • Steve Porter
  • Mark Reeder
  • Joe Newman  IUMC liason

We are seeking a secretary for our Board. The duties are to record meeting minutes to be distributed to the board prior to the next board meeting. If you would be willing to serve on the board as Secretary please let one of the board members know. The board meets once every three months. Our next board meeting will be July 9th.


Mike Rodgers, Lori Rodgers husband is having a very serious back operation today. is will be his 20th? surgery. Please pray for Mike for full recovery and relief from his pain.

Jennifer Kaburik continued prayers for healing and God’s peace.

Patty Barney’s father-in-law is in advanced stage of Parkinson’s disease. We pray for God’s peace and comfort for her father-in-law and family.

Mary and Leland Knapp both need God’s healing touch. We ask for God’s healing mercies and strength and peace.

Pastor Jackie healing prayers as she continues her treatments for skin cancer.

All those in our town who are seeking peace in their life because of problems. We pray that they will be lead to surrender their life to Jesus where all peace and healing come from.

See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent