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I enjoy reading the bible everyday but this week I am spending much more time reading and praying. Here is what I know to be true, the more time I spend with God, the easier it is to hear and understand His promptings and direction. There is no better, more peaceful way of living than to be walking with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. However, walking with the Holy Spirit does not come naturally, it is accomplished through heart felt seeking and knocking and asking and I would add reading the bible. I realize that I become like that in which I immerse myself. If I spend the bulk of my time worrying, I become full of worry. If I spend the bulk of my time thinking about things that annoy or anger me, I become an angry annoyed person. If I spend my days on facebook, I become numb and withdrawn from reality. If you want God to be real to you, immerse yourself in the things of God. Listen to pastors on the radio, read your bible, watch programs that are uplifting and that feed your soul. It is very easy to drift from God. I have done so many times in my life and it is always painful. The reality is, God has a powerful opponent in this world known as satan. Satan is a liar and a thief but he is also an excellent, convincing salesman. If you aren’t on guard satan will lead you away from God, that is his mission. Easter can be a time of renewal of your relationship with Jesus, the King of the Universe our Lord and Savior.

John 15:5-8 .  “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Love, pastor kent


Mike Rodgers, Lori Rodgers husband is going in for a very serious back operation. This will be his 20th? surgery. I know he has had many. Please pray for Mike for full recovery and relief from his pain.

Jennifer Kaburik has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Prayer warriors, we all know what to do with this! Surrounding her with the mighty angels of God and Jesus’ healing love. Jennifer will be singing with us on Easter Sunday so be sending her your love and prayers!

Patty Barney’s father-in-law is in advanced stage of Parkinson’s disease. We pray for God’s peace and comfort for her father-in-law and family.

Lane Kaburik my helper every Sunday I preach who runs our music slides has had surgery for a ACL repair. I’m a little late on this one since he already has had surgery and is doing fine but we want to lift him to God’s healing grace.

Mary and Leland Knapp need God’s healing touch. Both of them are having health issues that need God’s healing grace.

Payers for all the people who do not yet know Jesus.

This weeks Schedule:

Maundy Thursday the 29th Pastor Jackie and Jordan Grammer will remember Jesus’ last night with His disciples. This service will begin at 7:00pm in the Journey’s Inn room including Holy Communion and foot washing.

Good Friday Stations of the cross will be set up in the sanctuary. You will travel from station to station to pray and reflect on the suffering that Jesus endured during His passion. You may come anytime between 6:30 and 8:00pm.

Easter Sunday Schedule      No Sunday School on Easter.

6:30 am Easter Sunrise Service pastor Jackie will be leading this service outside in the prayer garden. Bring lawn chairs and dress appropriately for the weather.

8:45am Service  PCF and pastor kent


Stan Rutkowski Estate Sale, Saturday 3/31/18  8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  14 Pearl Court, Pontoon Beach, IL.  The house is not for sale yet, but basically all the contents which includes: furniture, TV’s, computers, wheelchairs, Roho cushions, Roho mattress, washer/dryer, crystal, household items, tons of Joyce Meyer books, cd’s, dvd’s and other religious items.  Rain or shine.

See you on Easter! Love, pastor kent