Here are PCF updates.
- Nelleke reported that the TWIGS lunch program packed 500 lunches this past week. That is a great team of dedicated people doing an amazing ministry. Thank you.
- Mike Rodgers is scheduled to go back into the hospital for another procedure this next Tuesday. Please lift Mike and Lori to the healing hands of Jesus.
- Floyd Fisher is home and in Hospice care. I visited Deloris, Floyd and his family yesterday. Although Floyd could not speak, I believe he heard the prayers and feels the love that surrounds him. Floyd is ready to transition to Paradise and be with Jesus. Please pray for Deloris and Floyd’s family during this time of transition.
- My mom, Nadeen Schuette is home and doing good. She has a little weakness in her right arm and hand but is home resting and getting her strength back. Thank you for the prayers!
This weeks service. I am on the road this week thru next Monday. I plan on having an online service on Sunday, time to be determined. I’ll keep you posted. We will be getting into the 4th chapter of Genesis this week. Read this 4th chapter and take some notes. That way you will have a head start when we get into the some of the details and begin looking at what these stories are saying to us today! By the way, that is a great question to ask the Holy Spirit every time you read the bible. Ask Him to “reveal” also known as revelation, what God want’s you to know about the story or passage that you are reading at the the time. When you read a part of the bible and nothing seems to click within you don’t worry or fret about it. Just let the story roll around in your heart and mind for a day or two and be mindful for what the Holy Spirit brings to mind. Great life changing wisdom comes from focusing on the scripture and the Holy Spirit.
One of the things I hope you learned from the book of Genesis so far is that there is a relentless “other power” that will continue to try and mislead you and take you away from the things of God. This other power, or satan, is a master salesman. There has never been a better salesman than satan. He will do everything in his power to convince you that there is a better truth than God’s Truth, a better way than God’s way, a better and easier path than God’s path for your life. Stick to the God approved map, also known as the bible.
Stay tuned. Sincerely, pastor kent
Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls!