Our service tomorrow is at 9:00am at Glik Park. This is always a favorite service for many. Outdoors, nature, it’s beautiful, informal, and yes I know about the possibility of rain. So here is the plan. If it’s storming or raining we will not meet. However, according to my weather app, which has been fairly useless lately, the rain is supposed to have moved on thru by 9:00am. I find the most accurate way to determine the weather is to look out the window. I am counting on God to push the rain on thru by 9:00! And, hopefully we can all have a great gathering in the park….AND Brad Joiner is bringing coffee and donuts!
Prayers requested: Laurie Frey has been admitted to Barnes Hospital. I will keep you posted as soon as I know more, At this point we want to lift her to God’s healing touch and peace. I will keep you posted.
A simple observation: The past two weeks I have been working very hard on a landscape project. I have been digging, chopping, wheelbarrowing, shoveling, lifting, sweating, going up and down a steep hill dozens of times a day. It is extremely hard physical work. But here is what I have noticed, even though I haven’t tried or even thought about it, I have lost weight, have gotten considerable stronger, and have increased my energy. We are made in God’s own image. When we work our bodies we get stronger, healthier, energized, and more fit. It happens as a result of resistance, struggle, sweat, work. When we get into a prayer workout there are also results. Real prayer is work. It’s not easy. It’s a discipline. It takes time. focus, energy, fortitude, focus, determination, and persistence. Even when it doesn’t seem like anything is happening, something is definitely happening. Just like muscles get stronger with persistent resistance, so are the results of persistent prayer. It just happens!
Praise Community Fellowship, the church without walls. Come join us. We have no membership, we meet 2x per month, no salaries, no denomination. Just people coming together to explore the Grace of Jesus and what that means to us in this world today!
Hope to see you tomorrow at the park. Love pastor Kent