Dear PCF family and friends, I really miss seeing everyone and being together. However, tomorrow we will continue on Facebook live at 10:30am to be on the safe side. Monday, the board will have a zoom meeting and we will be discussing our services moving forward.
So tomorrow 10:30am Facebook live as we have been doing.
The mission is to bring people into a close, life changing relationship with Jesus! How we accomplish that can be done in many forms. As I have prayed and thought about that mission, I realize that each of us, as disciples, have our work cut out for us. We are each called in unique ways to bring people to Jesus. We have people who are packing lunches every week and delivering them to kids in the Edwardsville School district. We have a member who sends cards to all those on our prayer list. We have our board members who take care of the business of the church. There are those who share their resources so we can continue to support our missions. We have those who are prayer warriors, and we have those who bring us music. Everyone is unique and important! Thank you!
God can and will use anyone who makes themselves available to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. We are still in the time of Grace. God is waiting for people to turn to Him before final judgment. Just like we just learned in the story of Noah in the book of Genesis. We have no idea when the time of Grace will come to an end but it will. That is why it is vital that we all become part of the mission to bring as many people as we can into a close, life changing relationship with Jesus. Jesus, the New Testament Ark! Now that is a purpose! Like the line in a very wonderful Christian song, “And just like it was back in Noah’s day, there are clouds in the sky and it’s starting to rain!” “But this time, there’s a way to be saved!”
Love, pastor kent
Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls!