Dear PCF family, I have been listening to the news about all the closings while studying for tomorrows sermon. But a few minutes ago I received a message from Jennifer Kaburick who is an RN and works for a large healthcare company. She said in light of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) information, she recommends that the safe thing to do for all those involved would be to cancel the service tomorrow! I am going to listen to her advice.
We are cancelling the church service tomorrow! Please get the word out.
I plan on posting a shortened message tomorrow that I wanted to give this Sunday regarding these uncertain times. If anyone needs anything and has a hard time getting out please contact me and let me know.
It is not a time for fear or panic but a time to pray! God is in control! I’ll be speaking more about this when I post my message tomorrow morning or later this evening. I will keep everyone posted on this blog as to when we are going to resume services. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. My email is and my number is 618-334-3575.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone soon. Love, pastor kent