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Good afternoon PCF family and friends, what a difference a day makes. It is going to be getting cold but even more reason to be with your warm and joyful church family tomorrow at 10:30am.

As I write this I am still deciding on the topic for tomorrow. I rely on the Holy Spirit, and sometimes He guides me quickly, and at other times He seems to be in no hurry revealing what we should talk about at the service. However, the older I get, the more fascinating it is to me how the Holy Spirit leads and guides me in life.

Bonni, Robin, Darren and I had dinner together last night and we were all talking about the mysteries of God, death, and life. Robin shared an amazing story that just happened regarding her dad’s passing and some of the “strange” things that have happened since. I have so many questions and yet never in my life have I been more sure of God’s reality and His desire and ability to intervene, communicate and guide us daily with His wisdom. This is what I have found to be true in my life when it comes to having more intervention, communication, and guidance from Him. The more I seek Him, the more I find Him. I believe Jesus, our Savior, is standing at the door ready to be part of anyone’s life who is willing to “invite” Him in with a welcoming spirit. So, I know it will be cold tomorrow morning, but God is going to meet you at church with His Spirit, His wisdom, His guidance, and His love. So of all the things you could do tomorrow morning, I cannot think of anything more important than being with others who are all seeking to have their lives integrated and changed by the creator of the universe! Come with your open heart and let’s call on the name of the Lord together.!

See you tomorrow morning at 10:30am, we will have everything all warmed up for you! Love, pastor kent

PCF Calendar

  • Sunday Oct.29, worship Service 10:30am
  • No Bible Study Monday Oct. 30th
  • Choir Practice Wed. Nov. 1, 6:30pm
  • Sunday November 5, worship service 10:30am