Good morning PCF Family. The Good News is, the God of the Bible who created all things, who opened the Red Sea for the Hebrews, who brought fire down from the heavens to burn up the sacrifice that Elijah made before the prophets of Baal, who cured Naaman of his leprosy, is the same God we worship today. Our advocate, the Holy Spirit, lives within you if you believe in Jesus and have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior. You have hotline to Heaven where God and Jesus reign and rule. Your call will be taken. It’s called prayer. Utilize this powerful resource. Someone you know needs prayer right now. Make the call!
Prayers and updates:
Floyd Fisher said that his wife Deloris is in rehab and doing well after her surgery. She will probably be in the hospital another 2 or three weeks. So we will continue to lift Deloris up to God’s healing grace. Floyd thanks everyone for their continued prayers.
Floyd Fisher asked me to add Doo Nee Loo to the prayer list. Doo Nee is a member of Immanuel Methodist and has been in the hospital. Floyd did not know the cause of the hospitalization but added that she is a very faithful woman and has very few relatives here. I have spoken to Doo Nee on several occasions and she is a very kind spirited woman.
Mike Rodgers, Mike is home and is feeling a little better since his heart surgery. He still has to go back and have another stint placed in another heart artery. We lift Mike for continued strength and healing.
Lori Rodgers, I spoke with Lori this morning and she asked if we could please lift her in prayer. Lori has been exposed to COVID from work. She now has to be quarantined at home while trying to take care of Mike. And, on top of all that the new Director at Beverly Farm has resigned meaning more pressure is back on Lori. Please pray for God’s wisdom and peace for Lori and her family during this trying time.
- Beverly Farm, For God’s protection pf the staff and the employees during this COVID outbreak.
- All our Nations leaders, God we ask you to send the power of your Holy Spirit filling our leaders with Wisdom and Holy understanding, and love so that our country will return to you and your ways.
- Rob Ebert, Rob is a good friend of Peggy Gain. Rob needs our prayers as he is battling an aggressive cancer. Prayers of God’s Peace, Strength, Wisdom, and Healing.
- Mary and Lee Knapp. We continue to pray for God’s healing touch for both Lee and Mary.
- Mary Berry, continued healing for Mary.
- Ben Stunkle, because Ben has been moved to an acute care facility to continue rehab and healing from his accident, his mom Kyle McCracken Stunkle can no longer visit him during this Covid virus outbreak. We lift both Ben and Kyle to Gods Grace and healing love during this difficult time.
- Russell Boster update, Russell is Jane Mckinney’s sister who has been battling ovarian cancer. She is continuing Chemo treatments. We continue to lift Russell up to the miracle maker. Health, peace, and strength.
- Maryann Kavanaugh, Peggy Gains mother. Maryann is homebound and lives with chronic debilitating pain due to a dental procedure 7 years ago. We lift Maryann to our God of all possibilities.
Praise Community Fellowship, the church Without Walls.