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Good morning PCF family and friends, right now is a great time to acknowledge Jesus and His power in and over your life.      

Jesus has “all” authority over everything and He is always with us. I’m not sure what you are facing right now in your life but I do know this, Jesus has ALL AUTHORITY over the life of His followers and He is with you! Therefore, do not fear. This verse makes it very clear, we have a very important calling on our life, to GO and make disciples. We are called to bring the lost sheep, people we walk with everyday, to Jesus. That is why we are putting our wiring and plumbing in our homes. (You will have to watch Sunday’s sermon to understand this context).  Equip, and get connected to the source! Watch what God can do with your life.

PCF Calendar

  • Wednesday, Sept 6, Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm
  • Sunday, Sept 10, Sunday Worship 10:30am
  • Monday Sept 11, NO BIBLE Study
  • Wednesday Sept 13, NO Choir Rehearsal 
  • Sunday, Sept 17, Sunday Worship 10:30am

Our Prayer List

New addition to our prayer list:  Bonni’s dad, Alden Burns  fell this past week and we just found out he has broken some vertebras in his lower back. He was admitted to the hospital last night and we will find out more today after we meet with the neurosurgeon. We are praying for God’s healing grace and is peace. He is in a lot of pain.

  • Sheryl Burian, Sheryl underwent facial surgery this week to remove skin cancer. Please lift Sheryl to God’s healing hands of grace and for his peace and comfort.
  • Wendy Wyckham Szymarek, Wendy has had knee Surgery this past week and is at home recuperating. please pray for complete healing and rapid recovery for Wendy.
  • Jan Nieman, Please continue your prayers for Jan, she is doing really good and we ar praising God for His blessing of healing her TIA she experienced last week.
  • Kent Schuette, I’ve taken a round of steroids for my neck and arm pain which has helped a little but I am now scheduled for an injection into my neck spinal area for further treatment. I am praying for good results so that I can avoid another surgery.
  • Brody Sedlacek, Shawna says Brody is trooper going thru his cancer treatments. I’t’s a lot for an 8 year old to carry. Please continue to lift Brody and his family in prayer as he continues his treatments.
  • Nadeen Schuette, My mom is now scheduled for surgery on Sept 19th at Barnes.  Thank you for your prayers of healing and for God’s peace and His wisdom for her doctors.
  • Jane Hyten, Jane has been moved to assisted living and dealing with MSA a degenerative disease. Please lift Jane to God’s healing grace and Peace and wisdom.
  • Russ Kelleher’s sister Joann is in hospice and needs prayers of God’s peace and strength.
  • Ken Oberkfell, The cardinal ball player and a good friend of John and Marla Grant is home from the hospital but needs God’s healing touch. Please lift Ken to the God who sees and hears.
  • Mike Portell, Mike thanks everyone for their prayers and asks to please continue as he needs more healing and strength.
  • Micah McKinney, Please lift this young man to our healing father. Micah will be entering treatment for lymphoma.
  • John Avedisian, John is a college friend of mine who has been living in pain due to a deterioration of his knees which need to be replace however due to a liver disease he cannot have an operation. Please pray for his pain relief. God is a miracle worker and all things are possible with Him.

Praise Community Fellowship, A Joyful church with No Walls! 10:30am Sundays at Esic Church located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville. God’s Truth with Love and Compassion. Praise Community Fellowship Church is a 100% volunteer Church. We have no salaries or paid positions. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Family.  Have questions? Call Pastor Kent @ 618-334-3575. Or Board President. Gary Watson @ 409-781-6510