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Amos 3:3 “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction? 

Amos, an old testament prophet, spoke these words of such profound truth. “How can two or more walk together unless they are in agreement on the journey or direction on which way to go?” 

There is a deep prophetic truth to this scripture that if understood can change the course of your life from broken to joyful, from chaotic to peaceful, and that is by choosing to walk closely with Jesus, to stay hand and hand with him all day everyday. Jesus always has the right path. It is not always the easiest path! But it is always the correct path that will always lead to blessings! Always!  Listen, all of us have thought at one time or another that we are wise enough, smart enough, clever enough to know what will make us happy and fulfilled without walking close to Jesus and His teachings. That is part of the corruption that was written on our internal hard drive thousands of years ago in the fall in the Garden of Eden. That corrupted program keeps repeating over and over to us, “You don’t need God to be happy and fulfilled in this life! God will only mess up your fun and enjoyment!” Don’t believe it! That is a lie coming from the author of lies, Satan himself. 

Here is truth. The closer you walk with Jesus, which means you are reading your bible daily, praying regularly, and filling your heart and soul with biblical teaching, the more Joy and Peace you will have in your life regardless of your circumstances. When it gets hard, when you are feeling defeated, when you don’t think you can take it one more minute, run to Jesus. Stay by Jesus. Cry out to Jesus. Pray to Jesus. Ask, Seek, Knock! 

This is the life of walking with Jesus. Jesus said, “Come with me. I will make you fishers of men. Come now, leave your nets, your boats, and come walk with me and let me show you the Glory of God!” Jesus says, “Come now, because I am walking this way!”  You choose, but you are invited to join Him. See you soon.

Love, Pastor Kent