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John 8:36  “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!’

Tomorrow is July 4th, the day the country celebrates its independence from the rule of the British empire which was holding this new young country in bondage to taxes and regulations that did nothing for the colonies. So an amazing document called the Declaration of Independence was written. This document, primarily written by Thomas Jefferson,  was essentially a divorce decree that declared our independence from King George and Britain. There were a total of 56 signatures of representatives who agreed with this declaration that officially declared America’s independence from King George and British rule.

 As Christians we too make a decision to break ties with our old ways and our ties with Satan and instead of self rule we pledge our allegiance to Jesus. We Make Jesus our King! Hallelujah. The document of independence for the Christian is called the bible. Our King is faithful, only speaks truth, never lies, is always for his people, and once and for all gave up everything for us. Now that is true leadership! Have a safe blessed 4th. Love, pastor kent

Prayer updates:

  • Faye Heuchert, Faye was taken by ambulance to the Hospital this past Sunday and was admitted. Brad found her unresponsive. They have ruled out stroke and are still running tests. She may be going to a rehab unit while this is being sorted out. Please lift Faye and Brad to God’s strength and healing.
  • Guy Schmidt, Guy is having treatments for severe back pain, please lift Guy to God’s healing hands.
  • Trevor, Trevor is a young man that used to attend a high school bible study group I sponsored while we were at Immanuel Methodist. Trevor has a brain tumor that is going to be removed this week by surgery. Please ift Trevor and his doctors to God’s love and wisdom.
  • Mary Knapp is needing a surgery for Pain management in her back. Please lift Mary as she waits for this next procedure to help eliminate her pain.
  • Nadeen Schuette is continuing with her new chemo treatments for liver cancer.
  • Jim Dwyer is still recovering from some mini strokes at home.
  • Jane Hyten who is in late stage MSA asking for God’s peace
  • Dustin Bilderback’s sister who is in treatment for cancer
  • Brody Sedlacek, 8 year old in cancer treatment

God we lift all these people on our prayer list to you because you are the perfect healer. We ask that you open their hearts to your word, your truth, your love and your ability to change things in their lives, and for this we praise you!

Praise Community Fellowship is a very Joyful, Prayerful church! We meet Sunday mornings at 10:30am at the Esic Worship Center located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville near the old YMCA . We believe in teaching all of God’s truth with love and compassion. PCF is a 100% volunteer church. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Family. We have a Sunday school program and a nursery for the little ones. If you have questions call Pastor Kent @ 618-334-3575 or our board president Gary Watson @ 409-781-6510.