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Pray for one another!

Dear PCF family, I had a conversation with Robin Hlava last night about our wonderful Sunday school program. We are so fortunate to have Robin and Rachel. The kids are having a blast, they are learning about bible stories, they talk about God, they sing and they have fun! Robin said that many of the little ones run right into her and Rachel’s arms because they are so excited to be there!  They are already planning a little Christmas program with some songs they are learning and from the sound of it, it will be adorable. Spread the word that PCF is a wonderful place to get to know Jesus and to be with others who want a break from the weariness of the world on a Sunday morning. We are a place of hugs, a place of love, a place of hope, and a place of help!

Whoever God sends us, He is watching to see how we are doing with his children. You all make our family special. Thank you.

Patti Franklin said that she is willing to deliver any further donations of Shoes, clothes, toys and household goods to Holly’s House of Hope if any one has any items you would like to donate. Patti can be reached at 618-920-3573. Thank you.

I have a couple of prayer needs and updates.  

  • Mary Knapp is needing a surgery for Pain management in her back. Please lift Mary as she waits for this next procedure to help eliminate her pain.
  • Jennifer Rinkle’s uncle Harold Blumberg is now in Hospice and needs our prayers for God’s peace and comfort. Harold and his family were masons. They did wonderful work. Bonni and I got to know Harold and his brothers and dad because they did several projects for us.
  • Dave Mahany is home and starting to feel Better since the tick bite.
  • Kip Goff’s mother Lola is back home and doing better since her hip surgery.
  • Diane Rinkle’s mom, Alberta Ringering has moved back home.
  • Nadeen Schuette is continuing with her new chemo treatments.

All of these people and the rest of the people on our prayer list need your prayers. I would like to suggest praying for people in our congregation even if they are not on our prayer list can do wonders. There is power in prayer and lifting people to God is a powerful way to bring all of us closer and into a deeper love and respect for one another.

When God’s truth is being proclaimed and the Gospel is being preached, the book of Acts shows us:

  • There will be Growth
  • There will be Joy
  • There will be Generosity
  • There will be Unity
  • There will be Prayer

These are all wonderful attributes of God’s power but there is another thing that we cannot leave out because it is in the bible, there also will be persecution. Satan is not going to sit around idle while God’s team is growing stronger and stronger. So become aware that when someone or something happens that disrupts the flow, it is not unusual. If and when it happens go to God’s word and call on your church family to get council and pray and talk things through always seeking the wisdom from the bible.

John 13:35. ” By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another!

You are in for a wonderful surprise this coming Sunday. See you all soon! Love, pastor kent