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Good morning PCF family and friends, I am looking forward to a night of worship and song tonight with the PCF singers. If you love the choir you are invited to come and enjoy the music and fellowship. Rehearsal begins at 6:30. Come worship with us.

I want to send out a special prayer request for Bonni Rutkowski. Bonni has been at Anderson hospital since Friday afternoon. She may be coming home today. She does not have a diagnosis yet but we pray that the healing grace of God will be with her.

Reminder: this is the last week to sign up for the PCF family dinner. Please get you reservations in to Nelleke. We will be taking reservations through this Sunday.  The dinner will be held on Saturday October 14th Lasagna dinner at 5:00pm. Nelleke Can be reached at 618-954-4155.

Remember God is for you!  He is not against you. You were created in His image. He tells us in Hebrews 13:5, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” But you must do your part. Jesus tells us, in Matthew 11:28, ” Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest!”

Volunteer opportunities are coming. There will be a couple of work days coming up at the church. We will be doing some shrub trimming, some interior painting, and there will be other opportunities. I will be posting dates and times as this gets organized.

Blessings, Pastor Kent