There is a simple Grade School Experiment you can do at home with your children or grandchildren that can help them and you understand the importance of reading the stories in the bible. You can change the color of white carnations or Queen Anns Lace or white roses simply by immersing the cut flowers stems into colored water. If you put white carnations into water colored with blue food coloring, in a few days the carnations will start turning blue, what ever color you put into the water, the flowers will eventually become that color. The flowers become the different color because they are designed by God to draw water through their stems into their flowers and the dye will remain in the flower.
We are like cut flowers in that we absorb and eventually become like that which we surround ourselves. That is why it is so important for all of us to decide what we are allowing into our ears, eyes, and mind because what ever it is we surround ourselves, that is what we are absorbing. And, what ever it is we are absorbing will be reflected in us, just like the flowers do with the various dye colors.
That is why reading and meditating on Gods word is so important. If your only dose of God is on Sunday mornings, it is doubtful that your Christian experience will be one of life changing power. If I want a white carnation to turn blue but only put it into blue water for one hour, one day a week. There will never be a noticeable change in that flower. However, if I leave the flower immersed in the blue dye day after day, the flower will begin to turn into a beautiful blue color.
May I suggest that if you want to know the fullness of God, immerse yourself daily in reading His word, prayer and good preaching. All of us are programmable! And the better news is, we are all re-programmable. Start nourishing your life with the teachings of Jesus! You too will become like that which you surround yourself.
Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls. Seeking Gods Truth for the betterment of all mankind! See you soon. Love pastor kent