Tomorrow Morning at 10:30am we will be live on our Praise Community Fellowship facebook page. Today I am including a Youtube post by Penn Jillet, the big guy of the magicians Penn and Teller. I think it is very important message for Christians to hear. Penn by the way is an atheist!
So, when you have 5 minutes, watch this video that I have attached and tomorrow we will discuss this and some other very important things about the power of Christianity. I am writing this this morning out on my screened in porch and I have to say “Thank You God” for this absolutely beautiful day!
Let’s Pray:
Rob Ebert, Rob is a good friend of Peggy Gain. Rob needs our prayers as he is battling an aggressive cancer. Prayers of God’s Peace, Strength, Wisdom, and Healing.
Mary and Lee Knapp. Mary has had her hip operation and is back home recovering. She did well with the surgery and is already starting to move around with a cane. Lee will be seeing a lung specialist soon to learn more about his breathing difficulties. We continue to pray for God’s healing touch for both Lee and Mary.
Mary Berry, Mary has a praise report and thanks everyone for their prayers for her. She received good news since her surgery that she will not need chemo therapy. She will be on some other type of medication but said she is feeling so blessed. We thank our Lord for this great report and continue to Pray for healing
Mike Rodgers is back home and needs a visiting nurse to help him recover from his heart attack and a severe infection. The plan is to get the infection under control and get his strength back so he can have triple bypass surgery, Continue to lift Mike to God’s healing hands and also give strength to Lori as they go through this difficult time. Lori thanks everyone for their continued prayers and says that she knows they are helping!
Ben Stunkle, because Ben has been moved to an acute care facility to continue rehab and healing from his accident, his mom Kyle McCracken Stunkle can no longer visit him during this Covid virus outbreak. We lift both Ben and Kyle to Gods Grace and healing love during this difficult time.
Don and Lois Kruckeberg, Denise Reeders parents. Denise has brought her mom home and is currently taking care of her there. Don is doing is back at Eden Care. Caregiving is one of the hardest jobs on earth especially when it comes to family members so we ask for Gods strength, patience, and wisdom for Mark and Denise during these challenging times.
Russell Boster update, Russell is Jane Mckinney’s sister who has been battling ovarian cancer. She is continuing Chemo treatments. We continue to lift Russell up to the miracle maker. Health, peace, and strength.
Maryann Kavanaugh, Peggy Gains mother. Maryann is homebound and lives with chronic debilitating pain due to a dental procedure 7 years ago. We lift Maryann to our God of all possibilities.
Praise Community Fellowship, the church Without Walls.