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Dear PCF family and friends, there was frost this morning as I look out my window. But I also see the beautiful trees, the hardy mums still in bloom, the sky is beautiful, I see the beautiful colors of the sunrise and what God speaks to me is this:

Look at all that I have created, it is beautiful, it is grand, it is all by my design, and notice that all of my creation is at perfect peace EXCEPT mankind! My most precious and most cherished of all my creation, the only created thing that I made in my own image struggles, hates, fears, worries, fights, lies, cheats, and why? All you have to do is come to me. I am the God of peace, the God of love, the God of life, the God of abundance, the God of healing, the God of Eternal life. Come to me and I will give you rest! Love Jesus

It all begins with you and I. Let this world be ruled by God and let it begin with me.

Blessed Tuesday everyone. He is standing at your door, let HIm in.  Love, pastor Kent