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This Sunday PCF will be leading worship at 8:45am.

In this world you will have days that are good, days that are not so good, you will meet people who are struggling, you will meet people who are blessed, and everyday you will have the opportunity to get closer to God. I have found that the more time I spend getting closer to God, by reading my bible, praying, listening to good preaching, and just tuning into God, the better life is regardless of my external circumstances.  In Philippians the apostle Paul, who faced beatings, imprisonment, exile, and many hardships says, “ Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  These words are meaningless unless you are connected to God through the power of the Holy Spirit. I can tell you from experience that the closer I stay connected to God, which takes deliberate effort and time, the more peace I have in my life. 

Prayers. Pray for one another and bring the power of God into the situation.

Pete Fornof. Some of you know Pete. He has sung in Raise the Praise and has been a friend to many of us over the years. They have discovered a large tumor in Pete’s chest area which is believed to be cancer. We pray that God will intervene and bring healing to Pete.

Ken Bastholm . Ken is Emily Bastholm’s father. Ken has had a very serious heart attack and a stroke and is in The ICU at Barnes. Emily would appreciate a ride to the hospital if anyone would like to volunteer to get her there. Emily lost her mom in January so this is very hard on her. Prayers for Gods healing peace and courage for Emily.

Mary and Leland Knapp need continues prayers for strength and God’s healing.

Pastor Jackie healing prayers as she continues her treatments for skin cancer and recovers from the surgeries.

Continued prayers and praises for Jennifer Kaburik and Cathy Watson. 

Prayers for direction and guidance for PCF and IUMC. 


Our final Kid’s Night Out for the 2017-2018 school year will be held on Friday, May 11, 2018, beginning at 5:30 pm. 51 children attended Kid’s Night Out in April!! We hope to see you all again in May. Kid’s Night Out does not meet over the summer months. Our schedule is as follows: 5:30-6:00 pm – Dinner 6:00-7:00 pm – Games, Crafts & Other Activities 7:00-8:30 pm – Snacks and a Movie May we emphasize for children to be picked up at 8:30 pm. We would appreciate receiving your RSVP by Wednesday, May 9. You may call the church office or sign up on the sheet in the Hospitality Room—remember that a reservation is now required. Thank you!

Mark your calendars—VBS will be held July 30—August 3, 6:00— 8:30 pm, with an optional dinner being served at 5:30 pm each evening. This year’s program is “Shipwrecked—Rescued by Jesus”. Children are invited to venture onto an uncharted island where kids survive and thrive, and will see that Jesus carries them through life’s storms. Watch for the VBS display in the Hospitality Room, along with a list of supplies that will be needed.

Come and Worship!  See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent