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Can you complete the title of this Blog? If you are in my age range you certainly can. This was hit song in the mid 60’s by Jackie DeShannon, you can listen to it HERE

This Sunday I will be going to the bible to empower you with Good News, Fantastic News, Life Changing News, it’s called the Gospel! I hope you will join me and Jennifer Kaburick Sunday morning at 10:00am because “What the world needs now” is good news, not just worldly good news but the Good news of the life changing power of Jesus. And that type of good news comes from only one source, and that source is the bible. Good news from man can give us a lift but it is temporary. The Good News of Jesus is for ever and has the Spiritual power to change us from within!  Amen.

Urgent Prayer Request: I got a call last night asking for prayer all the way from Paincourtville,  Louisiana. For all of you who sang in or were involved in Raise the Praise, Rick Johnson heard one of our RTP CD’s and just fell in love with the choir and the music. So much so he wanted to come and sing with us and that he did. He drove all the way from southern Louisiana one year after learning all the songs and he sang in a RTP concert. Rick is asking for our prayers for his wife Linda who has been diagnosed with brain cancer. Rick also has had back surgery and is in a lot of pain. So if any of you RTP folks can get the word out we need to lift Rick and Linda to God’s healing Grace and Peace.

May God’s Peace and Power be with all of you who read these posts!

Let’s be together online Sunday at 10:00am on the PCF Facebook live page. Love, pastor kent

Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls!