Have you ever noticed that through most of the stories found in the bible, God uses the nobodies, the underdogs, the people that the world would never give a second look. Even Jesus came as a poor child born to peasants. One of the thoughts I have when reading the bible stories of long ago is, “Why doesn’t God show up today like He did way back then?” Where are the Godly hero’s today? They are among us and God does indeed show up just like He did in the bible.
I am including a link to a story I hope you will take the time to watch. It is about 40 minutes long but I think what you will learn from this true story will be well worth your time. The point of this is, God is still alive and well and still showing up in spectacular life changing ways. The problem is, many of us are missing His presence because of the same reason people missed Him in the stories of old. We are too distracted with what we deem as important, and beautiful, and good, and important. We all get caught up in the ways of the world. This is a God’s Blessing story for us today. There are many powerful lessons in this interview. So, when you have about 40 minutes of uninterrupted time, watch this interview and be blessed. Watch Here
This Sunday we will meet again online at 10:30am but we may be able to start meeting together again soon. As soon as i can get more details I will let everyone know. Let’s just add that request to our prayer list. God, open the door for us to be able to come together again. In Jesus Name Amen!
See you soon. Love, pastor kent
Lord we ask you to guide our church family to a facility where we can come together again soon.
Richard and Cathy Chestnutt, This is Ella Ahrens brother and sister-in-law. Ella informed me that they are both improving and feeling much better. Thank you for your prayers!
Mike Rodgers, Lori’s husband is still waiting for a foot problem to heal before he can have his final stint procedure. Lori says Mike is feeling better even though his foot is still in pretty bad pain. We will continue to lift Mike and Lori in our prayers.
Cooper Halbe, Kent and Bonni’s grandson. Cooper is doing great. Thank you everyone for your prayers!
The workers at Beverly Farm and the residents, that God will provide protection and wisdom and His peace and Joy for all those who live and work there.
The leaders of our country, Pray for God’s wisdom and power and the Holy Spirit to direct and lead all those who are serving to lead this country.
Praise Community Fellowship, the Church with No Walls!