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This picture was taken by Anne Ford from her home on Dunlap lake. It is an eagle trying to have a turtle for lunch.

Romans 8:1-2 “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.”

No Condemnation!!!  That means God see’s those who believe in His son as perfect. We are set free from the punishment of death because of our sin, AMAZING. How can that be? It’s called the Gospel, the Good News. This is why we come together to worship the one who gives life. Amen!

What a verse! Like so many verses in the bible there is so much to grasp and think about. Our Monday morning bible study group digs in and we discuss such verses. We are seeking to understand God’s word on a deeper level. The act of seeking to understand is one way we stay connected to the vine. God honors our seeking. Anyone can join us on Monday mornings at 9:00am at the church. If there is enough interest I would be willing to do another bible study group at a different time slot. And while I’m throwing that possibility out, there is something that our church needs to do. We need a designated prayer meeting where we gather for the specific purpose of prayer. Jesus, the son of God, often withdrew from his daily activities to pray.

We have prayer on Wednesday evenings at Choir practice. Sometimes we have very special prayer time at practice but that is also Rehearsal night which is the primary reason we meet. However, being there with the group is a start. Eventually I would like to have a time where the choir sings a few songs and there is a word from God and then we gather to pray together. Come join us on a Wednesday Rehearsal. We meet at 6:30 and are usually up and running by 7:00.

Have other concerns, suggestions, or just need to talk? Call or text me: Kent Schuette 618-334-3575

Our Church Calendar:

  • Wednesday May 10, Choir rehearsal 6:30pm
  • Sunday May 14, Sunday Worship, 10:30am
  • Monday May 15, Bible Study, 9:00am
  • Wednesday May 17, Choir rehearsal 6:30pm
  • Sunday May 21, Sunday Worship, 10:30am
  • Monday May 22, Bible Study, 9:00am

Our Prayer List: There are many new names this week on our prayer list this week. We all need prayer but those on our prayer list are dealing with conditions and events that need a special touch from God. Believers are the ones that have been given the authority to speak to God in Prayer. Let us use this powerful tool frequently and never take it lightly. 

  • Guy Schmidt, Guy is Paige Burton’s brother. He has been attending our services but has run into a health condition, still being diagnosed. He has been in the hospital but is back home now waiting on test results, Please add Guy to your prayers for Gods healing grace, strength, peace and wisdom for the doctors treating him.
  • Keith Moran, Keith was a neighbor of mine and lives here on Dunlap. Keith has been diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disease. Please lift Keith and his wife Rachel to God’s strength, peace, mercy, and love.
  • Brody Sedlacek, Brody was taken back to Cardinal Glennon this past week he needed transfusions because his blood count was very low due to his cancer treatments. Brody is 9 years old and needs our prayers. Linda said she is hoping he can come home later this afternoon if his blood count comes back up.  Lord of healing mercy we lift Brody right into your healing presence in Jesus name.
  • Melissa Schlee, Melissa has been attending our services regularly. Melissa deals with atrial Fib issues which are frightening and sometimes debilitating. She is going to see a cardiologist soon. Please pray that God will bless her and her doctors to figure out a treatment.
  • Mike Portell, Mike is having tests to prepare him for a major back surgery. He has been suffering from mobility issues and pain for quite some time. Please keep Mike in your prayers as he and Ruth prepare for this surgery. We ask that God will guide the surgeons and the doctors with divine wisdom that his surgery will be a complete success in eliminating pain and providing better mobility.
  • Dennis Terry, some of you probably know Denise from the banking business here in town. He was part of Clover Leaf bank for years and then First Mid. He has since retired. Dennis has a form of Cancer of his liver and is on a transplant list. Please lift Dennis that God gives him strength and peace during this time of waiting and that the perfect donor will be provided my God’s mercy.
  • Sonny Hankins, Sonny is the neighbor of Joanie and Dennis Kuba. Sonny has been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. We lift Sonny to God’s healing grace and for His peace and comfort while doctors determine his treatment.
  • Jane Hyten, Jane is going to be transferred to  a higher level care facility, please pray that Jane will be filled with God’s peace, joy, and wisdom as she enters this new chapter of her life.
  • Tim Allen, Kory Kuba’s brother-in-law has been diagnosed with lung and liver cancer. Please lift Tim and his family to God’s miraculous healing power and strength. We also pray for God’s peace.

Praise Community Fellowship, A Joyful church with No Walls! 10:30am Sundays at Esic Church located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville. God’s Truth with Love and Compassion. Praise Community Fellowship Church is a 100% volunteer Church. We have no salaries or paid positions. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Family.  Have questions? Call Pastor Kent @ 618-334-3575. Or Board President. Gary Watson @ 409-781-6510