Bonni and I visited this beautiful little country church while in South Carolina this past week.
When I finally realized that the point of this life was to Glorify God, all things began making more sense and life took on a whole new purpose and meaning. No amount of education, planning, wealth building, career moves, travel, relationships, nothing can come close to the peace, contentment, and fulfillment that comes from knowing Jesus and His teachings and following Him wherever He leads. Nothing!
You can have that peace, joy, and contentment in your life starting right now by making the decision to walk closely with Jesus no matter where He leads you. It is a commitment and a process. Pray: “Jesus, I need you! I have tried to do this life my way and it just isn’t working. I need you to come into my life and help me to know you and follow you. Help me to hear your Spirit. Give me the desire to read your words every day and keep me from all the temptations that have kept me from you all of my life. I am ready to surrender to you! Please come to me now and stay very close. I will need your help because I am weak. I am addicted to the things of this world! Be patient with me and do what ever it takes so that I can walk close with you every day for the rest of my life. Thank you Jesus! Amen!”
Matthew 6:31-33 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.’
Announcements: This next Sunday IUMC will continue with their mission breakfast Sundays. Those wanting to participate will gather at the church at 8:45am as usual, communion will be served and there will be a prayer of blessing before the teams leave at 9:00am to go to the designated areas to cook and serve breakfast to the SAKS families. Anyone wanting to participate in this outreach event should contact the church at 618-656-4648.
Tonight, July 9th, the PCF board will meet at IUMC main office for their quarterly board meeting. The meeting begins at 6:30pm.
Jennifer Kaburik We pray for God’s strength and healing as Jennifer completes her chemo treatments.
Pete Fornof continue prayers for Pete as he continues his radiation and chemo treatments.
Mike Portell continued prayers for Mikes healing and recovery from surgery.
Linda Cassens continue healing prayers for Linda who has been battling bladder cancer and continues treatments.
Pastor Jackie healing prayers as she continues her treatments for skin cancer and recovers from the surgeries.
Prayers for the ministry of Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist asking for God’s guidance and wisdom so that we can become more effective for His Kingdom.
See you soon! Love, pastor kent