You know the story, there were wise men who saw a new bright star in the sky and somehow knew that the star represented a newborn King. A special King that would change the history of mankind and bring Hope into a dark, lost world. The Christmas story happened over 2000 years ago but the message remains true. Wise men still seek Jesus! But be warned, just like the original wisemen in the story, there are still villains that will try and keep you from your journey. King Herod, who was ruler of Judea at that time, heard of the wise men who were seeking the new born King. He asked them to return to him when they found him so he too could go worship Him. Of course Herod no intention of worshiping anyone but himself and really wanted to find Jesus so he could kill him. You can read this story in the bible HERE
Wise Men Still Seek Jesus! What a profound truth. It’s almost Christmas, “Are you seeking Jesus?” Of all the things in this life that are worthy of seeking, Jesus is above all! When you get a chance to read the story above there is another message I want to point out. When you begin a genuine journey to get to know the real Jesus, there will be those who will try to derail that effort just like King Herod. And, just like in the this story, it can look innocent and subtle. The King appeared to be right in step with the Wise men, “When you find this new King come let me know where he is so I can go worship him too!” Satan does not want you to complete your journey with Jesus and will throw many seemingly innocent roadblocks into your path. Distractions, busyness, work, events, parties, problems, on and on…anything to keep you from Jesus!
Wise Men Still Seek Jesus! The wise men of today are you and I and anyone who is in the relationship for the long haul. The wise men of today:
- make time to read their bibles,
- make time to earnestly pray,
- they are bold for Jesus when speaking with friends and family,
- and like our dear Betty Godin who is now with Jesus once told me, “Nothing get’s in the way of church!” Be a wise man this Christmas a seek the newborn King!
We will meet again this Sunday on Facebook live at 10:00am. I will have a great story for you this Sunday that speaks to the times we are living in.
If you are enjoying a particular message please share it with someone you might know who needs to hear the Good News.
Love, pastor kent
Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls! Kent Schuette pastor 618-334-3575 or