No PCF Service this Morning!

Just a reminder that our next meeting will be next Sunday August 4th at 9:00am at Glik Park. Yesterday I spent time with my father-in-law Henry Burns and as is customary when we meet, we began talking about the bible. Henry told me an interesting story about his uncle...

Tomorrow is an Important Service

Tomorrow PCF will meet at Glik Park at 9:00am. I have an important message and then we will have discussion on moving back to Immanuel church and finding a time where we can connect with more of Gods lost people. Please make it a priority to join us in this...
Important meeting this Sunday!

Important meeting this Sunday!

PCF will meet this Sunday, July 21st, at 9:00am at Glik Park. I am going to have an interesting message that will lead us to a discussion about a new service time back at Immanuel Methodist. Gary and I met with pastor Jackie, Bill Kruetzberg, and Sharon Koenig...

Our Place of Worship

I took this photo about 35 minutes ago. What an amazing display of Gods artistry. This photo does not do it justice. See you Sunday 9:00am . Pastor Kent

PCF Will Meet This Coming Sunday!

Our God is a covenant God. A covenant is a binding contract. Biblical covenants are where God has entered into an agreement with mankind that involves both promises and responsibilities for each party.The obligation is only good as the parties involved. Lucky for us,...