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What a Sunday

What an amazing service we had this past Sunday dedicating little Addison Maiman. The choir was amazing as usual and the spirit was wonderful. I ask that you lift little Addison and her parents Kyle and Taylor to the Lord for God’s guidance and wisdom and...

At the Service Tomorrow!

Dear PCF family and friends, tomorrow we will have the honor of dedicating a baby to the Lord’s Kingdom. I hope you can join us so we can can show this visiting family what God’s love and support looks like from a Spiritual family. We are all ministers...

Mid Summer Worship

Greetings PCF family and friends, charging station will be open tonight at 7:00pm Esic Church. The choir will be rehearsing and the worship that happens is usually wonderful. You are welcome to come and sit in and get charged up for this coming Sunday! PCF has the...

Guess What?

There is Church Tomorrow Morning!  Be there! 9:00am 1000 University Drive Edwardsville.  You will be very glad you did.  

This Sunday!

Dear PCF Family and friends, we will be back together this Sunday, July 10th at 9:00am!  It’s going to be great, I hope you can be there with us.  Life lessons: Jesus is a master contractor who wants to renovate your life. He has some amazing plans for you that...