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Monday, November 12th

Good morning PCF family, here are the PVF updates or this beautiful fall day.  Diane Rinkel’s mom Alberta Ringering passed away at home yesterday. I will let you know the visitation schedule as soon as I get it from Diane. Please Keep Diane, Ken and the...

Fall Back! Don’t forget…

Dear PCF family it’s that time of year to reset your clocks. Move your clock back one hour tonight so you can be with us at tomorrows service. As always I’m looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow morning at 10:30. The choir will bringing some...

Tuesday October 29th

Dear PCF Family, we have a group of volunteers meeting at the church this morning to do some outdoor landscape work. Thank you all who are helping out with this work. I have a couple of prayer updates:  Richard Sparks is going in today to have a cancerous tumor...


Tomorrow morning at 8:00am is work day at the church for anyone willing to help out to spruce up the outdoor landscapes. Bring gloves, shovel, rake, wheelbarrow, any help would be appreciated. We will be spreading some mulch and rock and probably planting a few new...

Saturday October 26th

What an absolutely beautiful day! Thank you Lord. I’m gearing up for a wonderful service tomorrow which will conclude with the Baptism of Ty Brown one of our newest PCF family members. Come join your PCF family tomorrow morning at 10:30am.  Psalm 100 1 Shout...