Praise Community Fellowship Blog
Tomorrow is Communion Sunday!
Dear PCF family and friends, come join your PCF family tomorrow as we kick off the Christmas month together at 9:00am. We will have communion, Christmas worship music, and I think we are going to have some very special guests joining us from Beverly Farm. When I marry...
Calendar Correction
I need to make a correction on the last post. I incorrectly posted that the Sunday Christmas concert was going to be on December 7th at 6:00pm. The correct date is December 11th at 6:00pm!
God’s Life Changing Love is Real!
Dear PCF Family and Friends, What an amazing Sunday we had this past week. We dedicated little Easton Rinkel as we kicked off the Christmas season with songs and worship in a church filled with family and friends. This season is a great time to invite family and...
It’s almost Sunday!
Which means we get to come together in the name of the Lord and Worship! Tomorrow, "Where you choose to be!" Dear PCF family and friends, It may be rainy tomorrow but it will be smiles and sunshine inside Esic church at 9:00am. Come be with your Joyful Spiritual...
Psalm 100:4-5. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name for the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Dear PCF family and friends, Bonni and I...
It’s Going to be very Warm and Joyful Tomorrow at Church!
Dear PCF family and friends, I know it's cold out but the Lord who gives all good things seeks our worship. Come join us tomorrow morning at 9:00am, 1000 University Drive, Edwardsville. The church will be warm, filled with Joyful music, and the life changing power of...
Open My Eyes to Your Truth Lord
There are only two paths in life from a Christian perspective. One path moves you toward God, all others move you away from God. Choose wisely. Psalm 119:18 "Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions!" What a simple beautiful truth. We need to...
God is Truth!
Dear PCF family and friends, we will be back together this coming Sunday at 9:00am. Take a look at the updated calendar and our updated prayer list. This Sunday! God is still speaking loud and clear through His words in the bible. This coming Sunday we will be...
Wednesday Evening Report
Dear PCF family and friends, as I write this blog the Bonni and the choir are having rehearsal and worship at the church. I am sitting these last two rehearsals out because of a cough that I'm getting over. As a reminder there will be no Service this coming Sunday due...
Joyful Monday Morning Everyone
I forgot to mention a very important announcement yesterday at church and I wanted to make sure to get this info out to all of you. Next Sunday, November 13th, PCF will NOT have a service. Bonni and I will be out of town for business. Please help get the word out to...