Praise Community Fellowship Blog
Happy Thursday PCF Family and Friends
I am going to continue with my Thursday Evening meetings tonight. I will go live at 8:00pm on our Praise Community Fellowship Facebook page. These meetings are recorded so you will be able to watch at your convenience. I pray that all of you are growing into the...
PCF Reminder
This Sunday's service is already posted on our Facebook live page. You can watch it anytime at your convenience. Click HERE to watch now. This was recorded Thursday evening. I hope this message resonates in you. I know there are many opinions on the Corona Virus and...
Tonight! PCF goes Live at 8:00pm
Greetings to PCF family and friends. It's been a crazy year but God is in control! That's the good news! God is eternal, and He will outlast ALL human failures and mistakes! Nothing in the universe is more stable than God! Even when things look completely lost, dark,...
PCF Reminder!
There will not be a live broadcast tomorrow! I posted the broadcast this past Thursday and it can be viewed here at your convenience. Watch Here. I hope everyone has a great Sunday and I will be in touch soon. Love, pastor Kent
Tonight at 8:00, Important Message
Tonight at 8:00pm I will be live on our Facebook page giving a very important message to you regarding your Christian journey. I hope you will be able to join me but if you cannot no worries because you will be able to watch this message at your convenience anytime...
PCF News and Information
Greetings Praise Community Fellowship family, friends, and followers. First let me update you on Mike Rodgers and Floyd and Deloris Fisher. Mike had a rough day yesterday during the heart procedure but came out of it ok and the best news is, he is back home already!...
Tomorrow’s PCF Service
The plan is to meet at Glik Park at 9:00am. However, if it is raining, I will do the usual 10:30 am service on Facebook. If we are able to meet at the park at 9:00 I am hoping someone can do a facebook live recording so those who cannot attend can still tune into the...
Immediate Prayers Requested
I just received a call from Floyd Fisher's daughter. Floyd was taken to the hospital this morning by ambulance and has been admitted with congestive heart failure. He has been with Deloris every day and has worn himself down. Let's lift Floyd to God's healing hands...
Moving Toward Sunday
Good afternoon PCF family. I am going to give you another reading assignment for this coming Sunday's live service broadcast on Facebook. I would like to have you read from all 4 gospels about the story of the feeding of 5000. This is one of Jesus' grand miracles...
Tuesday Morning Updates
Good morning PCF Family. The Good News is, the God of the Bible who created all things, who opened the Red Sea for the Hebrews, who brought fire down from the heavens to burn up the sacrifice that Elijah made before the prophets of Baal, who cured Naaman of his...