Praise Community Fellowship Blog
This Sunday PCF Gathers…We are the NO Walls church!
This Sunday, November 18th, Praise Community Fellowship will gather together as a family to learn, praise God, share stories, and encourage one another with prayers and idea's. We meet at 10:30am at 800 North Main Edwardsville at the Immanuel Methodist Church. This...
Monday’s Thoughts
Religion is man's way to attempt to get to God. Jesus is God's way to get to man. Our next gathering will be November 18th at 10:30am. We will once again be looking at ways to live our mission of No Walls as a family and as individuals outside the walls of the...
This Sunday….No Walls!
This Sunday Praise Community Fellowship will gather for fellowship and communion and pastor Kent, Gary Watson and maybe a few others of the future planning committee will be talking about "No Walls!" If you are interested in finding out more about our gatherings,...
This Sunday and More
This Sunday, November 4th, Praise Community Fellowship will meet again at 10:30am at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville in The Immanuel United Methodist Church. This will be a communion Sunday. We will once again hear from one of our missions that we support. We...
What does this Mean to You?
The future planning committee has a question that we need feedback on. What does this simple phrase mean to you? "No Walls" That's it. Please respond by email to Thank you. Kent
Monday Morning Thoughts for PCF family
Here is your Monday morning question to ponder: "What if the stories and the promises in the bible are true?" God can do Anything through Anyone who is completely surrendered to the Holy Spirit's leading. It is the Holy Spirit who is directing God's plans and...
This Sunday and more…….
This Sunday, October 21st, Praise Community Fellowship will have service at 10:30am at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville at the Immanuel United Methodist Church. I will be speaking on the power of the Psalms especially when things in life are causing us great pain....
Raise the Praise is awesome!
The RTP community choir met for the 4th time last night and it was a blast! We had 20+ people singing in the choir and several new visitors. It is our hope that this choir will become a source of saving grace to many in the future. Music, especially Holy Spirit filled...
Brent Leh Memorial Service
Many of you have been asking about Brent Leh's memorial service. Brent is the youngest son of Ann Ottwein Culp who lost his life in a motorcycle accident this past weekend. A Memorial Service will be held at noon on Sunday, October 14th, followed by a Celebration of...
This Sunday
This Sunday Praise Community Fellowship will be leading worship at 10:30am. This will be a communion service. My mission as a pastor is to get people to grasp the reality of God and His son Jesus who will come into the life of anyone who asks sincerely. Why is this so...