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Praise Community Fellowship Blog

This  Coming Sunday!

This Coming Sunday!

This Sunday PCF will be leading worship and I will be speaking about the Keys of relief. Receiving God's word into your heart is like having a key that unlocks peace and relief in a stressed out life! Oh if people only knew what the bible had for them they would be...

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No matter what you are facing…Trust God!

No matter what you are facing…Trust God!

I know what Jesus can do in a life, I have experienced it!  If you find yourself facing odds that seem impossible, you need hope and encouragement that only Jesus can bring. When you have 10 minutes, watch the following testimony. I pray God's blessing on you and your...

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What is our Product?

What is our Product?

I have been seeking God's wisdom for our church ever since we launched a little over 6 years ago. One of the questions I have been thinking about lately is, "How will a church know when it is being effective?" And the answer I come up with is "Changed lives!"  I...

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This Sunday!

PCF will be leading the service this Sunday at 8:45am. We will be looking at the question, "What is the Gospel?"   You want to be a disciple and a great friend to someone who is struggling with the burdens of life? Bring them to this service. I pray the Holy Spirit...

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“My Kingdom is Not of this World!”

“My Kingdom is Not of this World!”

Have you ever heard someone say something like, "man that was out of this world!" meaning that something really huge or mind blowing just took place? When the Holy Spirit is allowed to have free reign in your life people are going to take notice! Why? Because things...

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Beware of where you seek truth

Beware of where you seek truth

There is only one source of truth and that is God. God's truth is the only truth there is. He created everything, knows all things, there is nothing outside of God's truth. The lure that deceives us is still the remanent of the fall in the Garden of Eden. We are...

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Be careful of what stream you get into!

Be careful of what stream you get into!

Tomorrow, IUMC will be meeting at church at the usual time, 8:45am and have a short service because they will again be going out to cook and serve breakfast for their SAKS families. All are welcome to get involved. PCF will be back to lead worship on July 29th! I am...

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When You Finally Realize!

When You Finally Realize!

Bonni and I visited this beautiful little country church while in South Carolina this past week. When I finally realized that the point of this life was to Glorify God, all things began making more sense and life took on a whole new purpose and meaning. No amount of...

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My Prayer

My Prayer

My prayer for those of you reading this blog is that you come daily into the presence of God and seek His path, His wisdom, and His direction for all things in your life. There many roads to choose from in this life travel  but there is only one road that will take...

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Something to Think About

Something to Think About

There are many powerful statements of truth in the bible. But one that stands out to me is "Then you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!"  This statement is found in the book of John, 8th chapter. There are many things that can derail our Christian...

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