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A Frosty Wednesday Evening Message to the PCF Family

I have an important prayer request I would like all of you to add to your prayer list. Our sweet Ella Ahrens has a sister Patty who is being treated for leukemia and needs our healing prayers. And let’s make sure we include Ella because we also have her husband...

One More Sunday for 2023

Dear PCF family,  I am catching a breath after the Christmas celebration and looking forward to what God has for each and every one of you in the coming new year. Our church has grown, maybe exploded would be a better word. We have brothers and sisters joining us from...

PCF has been Blessed This Christmas!

Dear PCF family, this is the season for Good News and Good News I do have. Our church is full of new families and our nursery is full of new children. We are blessed! But with this blessing comes responsibility. Robin Hlava, our Sunday school teacher needs help in the...

Special Notice

We have about 3 or 4 gifts for Beverly farm Residents that have not come back yet. We will be able to accept them this Wednesday at 6:30pm at the church because we will be there for Choir rehearsal. If for some reason you cannot get the gifts to us at that time please...

This Sunday

Dear PCF family, blessings to all of you. This Sunday will be filled with wonderful Christmas music and a message of encouragement. Come be with your PCF family, we miss you when you are not with us on a Sunday morning. 10 more days until Christmas! REMINDER: Thank...

12 days until Christmas

Dear PCF family, I think it was two years ago, maybe three that I had mentioned the reason for the season we call Christmas is sin! Which is true. This Sunday I have another revelation I will be sharing with all of you that I hope will help you with your walk as a...