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Praise Community Fellowship Blog

This Sunday!

Dear PCF family and friends, our choir is back and they have a wonderful selection of worship music this Sunday, you won't want to miss! I am excited to be back with all of you and also for the big BBQ we will enjoy at 5:00pm. Al Kuburick and team will be setting up...

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Back Home!

Good morning PCF family and friends, I know when I send these blogs it is going to people with many different circumstances. Some of you are in the thick of career and being a parent, some of you are retired, some are going through health issues, relational issues,...

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Reminder: No church service tomorrow!

Dear PCF family and friends, Bonni and I are still out of town so there will be no service tomorrow, I am looking forward to the next Sunday June the 12th for a wonderful service in the morning and then our PCF family and friends BBQ at 5:00pm that evening.  I think...

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Prayer Updates and More

Cathy Watson is in surgery this morning for a knee operation to repair or fix a torn meniscus that happened years ago. I am sorry I did not have her on an earlier prayer list. I guess I need to start taking a Focus Factor or something. Please lift Cathy in prayer for...

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This Beautiful Day is Brought To You by God!

I've been outside working all morning in this beautiful day that the Lord has made. I am grateful! I am thankful, I am happy. Thank you Lord. God declares He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Start your day with Jesus, walk through your entire day...

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This Sunday

The service this Sunday will be a step back into time. Our choir is going to go completely unplugged and we are going to be singing some old favorite hymns...from the hymnals!  I hope you can join us for an old fashioned Sunday for memorial day! "For God did not send...

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Number One!

The first commandment God wrote on a stone tablet for man to follow is probably the commandment that we have all broken the most. "You Shall Have No Other God's Before Me!" and of course the second commandment reinforces the first, "You Shall Make No Idols!" Or how...

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Wednesday PCF Updates

I read an interesting headline this morning during my morning devotions, "Are You Being Shaped by the Savior or Warped by the World?  We are in the world but are not to be of the world. In John 15:19 Jesus says: 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as...

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This Coming Sunday

Dear PCF family and friends, this Sunday we will be gathering back at church at 9:00am. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. This will be a very special Sunday because along with our wonderful choir and God's word we will be celebrating the Baptism of John and...

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