Praise Community Fellowship Blog
Trust Me says the Lord!
Praise Community Fellowship We are living in an unprecedented time of Deceitfulness, Lies, Selfish Agenda's, and Moral Decay. My peace comes from God and God alone. His word and His promises and decrees are what I choose to place my trust. Come be part of God's...
You Are Loved!
Good morning family and friends of Praise Community Fellowship. The good news is and always has been, "You Are Loved by the Creator of All things in the Universe. That is incredible. Psalm 8 When I see and consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and...
All 12 Disciples Showed Up!
Tomorrow morning Praise Community Fellowship will meet together at 9:00am at Esic Church located at 1000 Esic Drive Edwardsville. We will share Holy Communion. All are welcome at the table of Grace. At the last supper there is an important lesson for all of us...
Communion Sunday
Our choir is growing! Notice I did say choir! I have made the mistake of saying "girls" the last couple of Sundays and we now have two guys, Dr. Mike Beatty and Tyler Mackey! I hope everyone is enjoying the music as much as I am on Sundays! Their voices and the songs...
Great News!
Great News, It's almost Sunday and it's going to be a great Sunday, Amazing worship music, bible teaching sermon, "Maybe It's Time To Walk on Water!" See you Sunday at Esic Church, 1000 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 9:00am. Our services are also broadcast live and...
Good Morning PCF Family and Friends
I have had this question on my mind lately so I thought I would throw this out to all of you to ponder, "Would you like to have Jesus as your next door neighbor?" There was a time in my life when I would have said no. And it isn't because I didn't believe in Jesus, it...
Make Your Life Blossom Into Something Beautiful!
Last Sunday we looked at Matthew chapter 10, the parable of the Good Shepherd. Like all scripture there are many deep Spiritual meanings to this story. Here is the part I want to re-emphasize to you this morning: "The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep...
Prayer List Update for Monday, July 19th, 2021
Thank you to our wonderful music team for another amazing Sunday of worship. As a reminder, Wednesday evenings the choir practices at Esic Church at 6:30pm. This practice is open to those who would like to listen in. Our PCF singers will be providing music for Esic...
Tomorrow’s Service
Dear PCF Family and Friends, I can't wait until tomorrow's service because I get to see my Christian family and we get to worship Jesus together. Worship: the expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. Our deity is Jesus, the one and only true Lord of all...
What a Sunday!
This past Sunday was wonderful and I want to thank Brad Joiner for cooking and supplying the meat, thank you Gary and Cathy Watson, Nelleke Weese, Sally McLaughlin, Ken Winchester, for making all the arrangements and all the work that went into making our Sunday get...